
209 Words
One of the Blue Mimosan shows George Noland. Noland is an small peninsula bordered by the king sea, Eagan River and Eagan State. It was the place where the treason was punished. The king or the barons of the states would give the order to wound the culprit and then leave them in the island. Crows, vultures fed on the wounded there. It was a saying that a culprit with the most heinous crime doesn't deserve execution or the dungeons or even be burned alive but rather be eaten by creatures such as crows and vultures. There are skeletons all around Noland .Most of them exiled or sentenced to rot . George looks at the island of bones and blood. The ships move forward as they don't wants to be in sight of the Perseus docks. The war might have been over but you would never know when the defeated enemy may strike. They see a nearby ship set ashore Noland. Three soldiers and a man whose eye is gouged out from his socket is thrown there. Few seconds later hundreds of crows and vultures feast on the man after the ship leaves. Only his blood and bones remain. George feels chill in his bones after seeing the sight.
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