Cunning Coward and Commander

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The Idleton soldiers ask George why did they let the tribes survive. George hesitates that they surrendered. It is up to the Baron to decide their fate now. They take the tribes men to the Barons castle. "You have done a fine job Ser ahhh" says The Baron Burt. "My name is George. I am only the leader of the raiders not a knight my lord. These are your prisoners. What is to be done with them o noble one" asks George. "You had a chance to kill them. Why didn't you kill them O leader of the raiders?" asks The Baron. "They surrendered my lord. And we are fighters not butchers. We did what was asked .If don't want blood on your hands I will take them to the king" says George. "You are an arrogant young boy. But yet a leader and a brave one who has a morale even for a mercenary. Guards prison them .Ill decide their fate a month later" says The Baron. "Tell me George. Is my decision wise?" asks The Baron. "Yes o noble one. Those 10 may be the key to find the other tribes men. You can question them and ask for the kings aid" says George. "I will do that Ser. But meanwhile you and your friend are our guest for the entire week. The city of Mullhill will sing your songs and know their hero as well as me "says the cunning Baron. "We have still a war with Perseus to fight my lord. And you yourself promised our city that you will aid with your 1000 soldiers" says George. "Shocking. You are not a Man from Idleton and yet you speak as if you are knight of Idleton. Since we attacked the tribes men the remaining may come back. So I myself can't leave the city. But I'll give you 500 soldiers as the Baron will understand the pressure that I'm in" says the Baron. The Blue Mimosan, the Idleton soldiers and 500 Mullhill soldiers make their way back to Perseus City. Chapter 17:CommanderGeorge ,the Blue Mimosans , the Idleton army and the 500 Mullhill soldiers come to the aid of the city of Perseus. They are successful in defending their state. George and the Blue Mimosans are declared as members of the Idleton elite group. The 272 Mimosans declare George as their commander. The Idleton Noble/Baron Taki honors George with another medal. He has two, three more and the king himself will honor him as a knight.He has two months still to reach 16.Already a commander of the raiders. The Idleton people welcome their heroes in the city of Perseus. Flowers fall from roof tops. George can't believe himself. A bastard from Forsberry has become the leader of an elite group .He wanted to go back to Forsberry and tell his father that he had became  a mercenary. He would want to celebrate his 16th Birthday with his father and Kai ,his mentor who taught him to be wise. " As the order of the king in Goldam, the righteous ruler, the leader of the three councils, I the Baron of the state of Idleton declare the Blue Momosans as an elite group of Idleton and declare you George Mimosan their Commander and their representative." says The young Baron. "Thank you my lord. But I cannot be bound to Idleton. We are mercenaries .Our code is gold and glory. There is no glory here but we will represent you in the hard times to come" says one of the old Mimosans. "He is right. I too cannot stay. Forgive us o noble. We are bounded by code." says George. "Then I would Like to contract it. I would like to make a contract that bounds the Mimosans for eternity .They will get 500 gold coins every year." says Taki. "We have gold but glory is also what we want .We have other wars to fight o noble one. Please allow your leave o great noble. Your fathers name is heard in both the east and west continent." says the old Mimosan. "You will always be welcomed here whenever you want to come here" says Taki. The Blue Mimosan leave the city as of they heard the Forsberry port have been terrorized by black hounds .The Forsberry Baron Aries sent a message knowing the fame of the elite group .He doesn't wish to meet the group but already sent the details In the message. There were at-least half a hundred black hounds creating havoc in the Forsberry port. They were seen last month and are as quick as a horse. They were killing the small animals as well as dogs. The soldiers weren't as quick . George tells the Mimosans  he wants to travel by sea. They had made 250 gold coins already. It would cost some 30 gold coins for the entire band to cross the King Sea to Forsberry. They accept. They take 5 of the biggest ships. Each accommodated 60 soldiers. George hopes he could see the house where he spend 14 years. He still has the 150 silver coins he got when he was at Forsberry. He doesn't want its how his face to his father though being a bastard but does want to see the Home. The ships sail as they travel  through the perimeters of Idleton.  
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