The start of the Big War

1175 Words

Geo is heading towards Forsberry where the Baron has his army. He was allowed to come by the Baron. The Baron's cousin Farak asked Geo to be his charioteer. Geo needed a chariot to carry all his huge weapons. Farak used four fastest horses to pull the carriage of the chariot. Farak was good at reining horses. He took only 3 weeks to take Geo to Forsberry. Geo could see the army of Taki ahead ,10,000 of them. Farak asks him "Commander, I don't understand one thing though, why have you come here. You could have send one of your envoys. You are the Governor if your state. You are risking your life here". "Your cousin is my friend. I didn't have him the debt because he was the Baron of Idleton. I gave him because he is my friend. And my friend is in war. He might need my aid . I heard there a

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