
321 Words

The big pit is open. The big pit was one of the dangerous fighting pits in all the continents combined. The best fighters and savages fought in the pit. Only death would count a loss or a win. This tradition had been for more than 1000 years since the time of kings. The winner mercenaries were allowed to join the council of the Reformer.The Council consisted of  his advisor,the shield where the guards and such mercenaries are employed . The pit starts. The first team are the the Rhayzecs, the east assasins,the master of spears. George and his friends take their weapons. Raga and Chaga choose their discusses, Kulos takes the big shield and a dagger. George takes the Bows and Arrows and with him is his Big Beast.He takes five Bows .He had seen the Rhayzecs before. The pit begins. Raga and

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