Quora and the Reformer

271 Words

After a month traveling through Slave City , the four and the hound reach Quora. They have an official letter to enter Quora, the most beautiful state of the five. The Shieldmen welcome then. These shield men wear armors and shield like the knights of the west. They have silver  armor and silver helm with a dove banner meaning peace. Quora is the land of silver. The silver extracted from Winon and Trans are send to Quora in the treasury. Its the second most richest State after Meerat in the whole. All the people of the state wear silver except the reformer who wears gold. He is the Gods Avatar as the east says. He is the only god the east follow. They say he's been here for centuries .He neither ages nor bleeds. "Ahh the new recruits have come "says the two shield men. One of them stares

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