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Leo XVIII is his name and his fame. He welcomes the Governor George, Athena, Ser Willem and the mimosans. " Ahhh Governor. It's an honor again. I do remembering meeting you in the Great War with the Burton Baron Sandora. And you must be Lady Athena. You're very beautiful my lady and of course Ser Willem the great blue knight" says Leo XVIII. "The honor is ours my lord. But we are in command from the King to meet the KarlCity baron " says George. "Yes. I heard about the young King and his madness or whatever he does. That is why I have come to welcome you Governor. I believe you are the one who the boy might listen to. "says Leo. "We are only his dogs as he presumes us My lord" says Ser Willem. "Well from one mad boy to another mad lord. You do know about the KarlCity Baron?" asks Leo.

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