Into Choko

1123 Words

George, Athena, Ser Willem, the Mimosans and Ser Ojasqw reach Choko, the capital city of the State Karlcity. They are welcomed by Tibo Gary, the red knight of Karlcity. Although, the traditional clothes of the state itself is red, Tibo Gary, 21, was the youngest knight to become General of the Karlcity Army. He was the second youngest person to become a knight at 15, the youngest being George. He bows down and all the remaining 71 soldiers as well as the 20 cavalry behind him bow their heads with him. “ My greetings governor. It is an honor, your grace to meet you in person. We heard about the King’s command. My lord has been expecting your arrival. I always wanted to meet you in person and finally I get the chance and of the knights and lady behind as well” says Tibo. “The honor is ours

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