Chapter Two

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“Okay Alexis, you can sit back and relax.” Alexis sighed as her optometrist moved the large apparatus away from her face. The doctor frowned, “Well, there definitely have been some changes. How do the glasses feel?” Alexis blushed. “You’re still not wearing them, are you?” the doctor asked with a look that dared her to lie. “…No,” Alexis finally admitted. “Lex,” she sighed, “you really should wear them.” “I know, but if I do, mom and dad will ask about them,” Alexis said. “And then my dad will go all ballistic that my vision’s failing again.” Doctor Patricia Maitho shook her head. She had monitored Alexis’s sight ever since she underwent experimental treatments to restore her vision. Like everyone else, she had been stunned by how well Alexis responded to it and, in all likelihood, knew more about Alexis’s recovery than her own parents. “So, the treatment restored your vision to about eighty percent, right?” Alexis nodded. “All things considered, that is pretty miraculous.” “I know,” Alexis agreed, “but now, it’s failing again, right?” “It’s quite common for vision to change and weaken as we age, Lex. This could just be a sign of that.” “But it could also mean I’m going blind again.” “Well, yes. Possibly.” “So, how long to I have? Five years? Ten?” “I really don’t know,” Patricia said. “You know better than anyone that these things are unpredictable. You might not lose your sight at all.” “Right,” Alexis scoffed. “Lex, it’s too soon to be thinking the worst,” Patricia cautioned. “And you really should consider telling your family. They are there to support you. They don’t need your protection.” Alexis frowned. That was easy for her doctor to say. She knew her parents would be devastated by the news she was losing her sight again, especially her father, who had gone to such lengths to find her a treatment with the potential to restore it. Alexis couldn’t disappoint him like that, not today of all days. Her father worked so hard to prepare them and clear the way for her and her brothers to take their places. It was meant to be their time, allowing him to focus on their mother and younger siblings. Finally, he could take it easy while Alexis and her brothers did the heavy-lifting. What would he think if she told him she was going blind…again? What would the Board say to being led by a blind woman? “Lex?” “I’ll think about it.” “Okay, well, why don’t you head out and pick out some new frames?” “Actually, I’m running late,” Alexis glanced at the clock. “Dad’s making an announcement today and I have to be there.” “All right, we’ll see you in a few days then.” Alexis nodded before leaving. She hailed a taxi and tried to forget the harsh news she had been given. Idly, she took out her glasses and looked at them. She really shouldn’t be so sensitive about wearing them. Sean wore glasses due to all his years staring at computer screens and small lines of code. He certainly didn’t seem bothered, but she couldn’t be so nonchalant. After all, it wasn’t eye strain that was causing her difficulties. The moment she wore them there would be questions she didn’t want to answer. Stuffing them back into their holder and burying it at the bottom of her attaché, she settled in her seat and watched the city pass by the window. How much longer would she be able to enjoy that sight? * * * Brayden was still scowling as he stared at the elevator the Prescott siblings used. He had completely forgotten Silas had several older children. There had been rumors the kids were being forced to intern with the company a few years back. Brayden hadn’t thought much about it as he hadn’t been introduced to them. As far as he was concerned, they were just spoiled rich kids. Prescott was easily one of the richest families in New York and none of his children would need to work a day in their lives. It was unfair, but that also meant they were no threat to him. He had clawed his way out of poverty to have a seat at the table and he would not lose that seat to anyone, especially some rich kid who had been handed everything. Glancing at the clock, Brayden gathered his briefcase and moved to the elevators. Movement caught his eye and he paused to watch the most gorgeous woman he ever saw stride into the building. She was average height with a shapely body that was in no way hidden by her suit, jacket and slacks. Her brown hair was loose and long, flowing behind her as she moved. All thoughts of his tryst from the previous night were shoved aside as he immediately fantasized what she would look like out of breath under him. She walked past him without a glance, heading to the elevator and punching in a code. Brayden wondered whose secretary she was and why they would give her the code for the executive lift. “What’s your name, angel?” Brayden suddenly asked. Her brow furrowed as she turned, staring at him with amazing green eyes. She frowned, “I’m sorry?” “I never believed in heaven until I saw you.” “Does that line usually work for you?” she asked with no hint of embarrassment, like most women. “What woman doesn’t like to be complimented?” “And that’s what you consider a compliment, is it?” “How about drinks tonight? I can show you some real appreciation.” “Wow, my brothers were right,” she sighed. “Guys really do only think about one thing.” “Men will be men.” “I didn’t say men,” she smirked. “Men have more class. You’re just…a guy.” The elevator dinged and she stepped in. She tapped a button for her floor and Brayden was left dumbfounded as the doors closed. No woman had ever defied his charms before. He didn’t know who she was, but he was determined to conquer her. * * * Stepping off the elevator, Alexis headed to her dad’s office, waving at his secretary who she had known since her first visit after narrowly escaping from her maternal grandfather. She couldn’t help but smile as she thought back to that confrontation and using her father’s security detail as a getaway. Though she hadn’t been able to see his face back then, she could easily imagine his shock at facing his ten-year-old children and their mother. It was hard to believe she and her brothers once thought their father was an emotionless villain hell-bent on ruining their mother. From the moment he and Ava were in the same room, his cold, aloof demeanor melted away. He became sweet, caring and attentive. Their mother blossomed under his care. She and her brothers had been determined not to make things easy for him, but that changed almost instantly. They hadn’t been prepared for what it was like to have a father, one who cared and was desperate to be accepted into their lives. Her father had given them so much. She was not about to disappoint him now that he was handing her the reins. She stepped into the office and was immediately greeted by two wet noses. Laughing, Alexis leaned down, patting the friendly canine greeters. The Pit Bull and Rottweiler circled around her. Alexis shook her head as her gaze fell on her brothers, “Brought your babies, huh?” Theo shrugged, “They’ll be here every day, so people might as well get used to it now. I’m not leaving them at home for eight hours.” Alexis chuckled as their father stood and embraced her. He fondly kissed the top of her head. Though she was taller than her mother, she was still quite a bit shorter than her father or brothers. “You okay?” Silas asked, studying her. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” “Your brothers said you had an appointment?” “Oh, that. It’s just…woman’s stuff,” Alexis hesitated. She hated lying to him, but she couldn’t tell him the truth. It would break his heart. “Okay,” Silas said after a moment. “But you know you can tell me and your mother anything, right?” “I know, dad,” Alexis smiled, giving him a hug. Silas sighed, holding her close. He could tell she was hiding something. No doubt, she didn’t want to worry him. Until she was ready to talk about it, there wasn’t much he could do but support her and wait. He glanced at the clock. Finally, it was almost time. “Before we go out there I wanted to say something to all three of you. And that is how proud I am of each of you. From the moment you three came home, I knew you weren’t normal kids. You were destined for greatness. So, this is it. The training wheels are off. The reins are yours. Make this company into whatever you want it to be. Use what I did as a foundation and build your own castle. Got it?” “Yeah, dad.” “Sure.” “Cool.” “Now, let’s go reveal the new faces of Prescott Industries to the world.” Alexis left her attaché on the desk, knowing it wouldn’t be disturbed and walked with her father as he kept her tucked under his arm. Sean and Theo trailed a step behind with Ruger and Remington heeling beside their master. When they arrived, they had walked past the news crews setting up for the press conference, but that would come later. First, they would make the announcement to the Board. Both events were merely formality as Silas had already completed the paperwork for the changing of the guards over a week ago. For the past two years, Alexis had been making all business decisions under his guidance. Silas knew what she was capable of and all the confidence she was ready. But she wouldn’t have to do it alone. Sean and Theo would be there as they always had been, supporting her and running interference.
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