Chapter Three

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Reaching the boardroom, Alexis hung back, allowing him to enter first. All eyes immediately followed his impressive figure and all but ignored the young trio who followed behind. Alexis and her brothers remained standing near the door. Only a few gave them a curious glance, though they were mostly concerned about the dogs who settled on either side of their master. Brayden sat in his usual place about halfway down the table, which gave him an excellent view of the door as Silas entered. Instantly, casual conversation stopped and several sat up straighter as he took his usual seat at the end of the table. The first chairs on either side were empty as they had been added after the last meeting and no one assigned to them yet. Movement caught Brayden’s eye and he was one of the few who noticed the three individuals who entered after Silas. He fumed, recognizing the two young men as well as the dogs. Now that he saw them all together, there was no denying the family resemblance. But what caught his eye was the woman beside them. He hadn’t expected to see her again so soon and his interest was piqued. One of the brothers leaned close, whispering something that made her smile. Her green eyes sparkled as she said something in return. Brayden burned with curiosity and jealousy that they seemed so close. Just how did they know each other? His attention returned to Silas as he called the meeting to start, “All right, I know you all have some questions before the press conference downstairs starts, which is why I called this meeting. Let me answer a few I know you have…Yes, I am retiring as of today.” Murmurs erupted around the table. “To answer your other question, I have already chosen my successor, or rather, successors.” Brayden fumed, his gaze darting to the two brothers. Certainly, Silas wasn’t talking about them. “First, I’d like to announce a few promotions,” Silas continued. “My son, Sean, is the new head of data security and technology.” The brother with glasses stepped away from the wall and circled around the table to take his seat at his father’s left. Brayden breathed out a sigh of relief. “My son, Theo, is the new head of personnel, building security and human resources.” The owner of the two dogs smirked and stepped up to sit at his father’s right. The canines followed him. With a huff, the Rottweiler set its chin on the table and Theo idly petted it while the Pit Bull sat closer to Silas and accepted pats from him. “Allow me also to introduce Ruger and Remington,” Silas said. It took several moments before the Board members realized he was talking about the dogs. “They’ll be regular fixtures from now on, so I suggest you get used to them.” “Excuse me, sir, you mean…the dogs?” someone down the table asked. “I do.” “But this is a place of business.” “Well, as my son pointed out, this is also a place for people who have emotional needs and as there are no rules stating pets are not allowed on the premises, there is no reason not to have them,” Silas said, giving Theo a fond smile. “As such, if there is anyone who would like to bring their pet to work I suggest you talk to Theo as soon as possible. He’ll approve them on a case-by-case basis. Obviously, we can’t allow them everywhere. And they will have to be leashed or otherwise controlled so they can’t just wander where they please. A dog walk has already been added to the roof. He can give you the security code for the door as needed.” That brought a cascade of murmurs from the table. Most had questions about the validity of having pets around as well as safety concerns, but on the whole, they didn’t oppose it. Brayden found that fact rather unusual. “And finally, the new CEO of Prescott Industries,” Silas announced after they calmed down, “is a person I’ve had my eye on for a long time, nurtured them with the intention of them taking my place. Over the last five years, they have learned at my side and, for the past two, have been making all the business decisions in my place.” The Board shared confused glances. “That’s right, some of those brilliant moves you’ve attributed to me, weren’t my ideas at all,” Silas grinned, “but now you have the opportunity to speak with the rightful mastermind. My beautiful daughter, Alexis.” Brayden’s jaw dropped as the green-eyed woman stepped away from the wall and joined her father. Silas stood, hugging her close before offering his seat. He stood behind her and slightly to the side like Thomas used to shadow him. Alexis settled in the chair, looking supremely confident, like a queen on her throne. “I’m sure you’ll all agree there is no one better or more suited to the task of guiding this company into the future.” Brayden and the others stared, unsure what their response should be. Silas couldn’t be serious, could he? There were very few women executives and even fewer CEOs. They could practically be counted on one hand with Alice Stanton first and foremost. In fact, around the table there were only two other women. Surely, Silas Prescott wouldn’t jeopardize the future of his company out of nepotism. “Sir, did you mean what you said about the last two years?” someone ventured to ask. “About…your daughter…making decisions.” “I did,” Silas nodded. “The first three years of her internship Alexis shadowed me. You might even recall her sitting beside me.” A few nodded. They were slow to recall, but they did, in fact, remember the young lady that had been at Silas’s side for the last few years. He never bothered to introduce her, so they dismissed her as a new personal assistant. Some openly speculated she was his mistress despite being half his age. “For the last two, however, she has been making all the decisions. I’ve just added my signature to them. So all the praise you have been giving me really belongs to her.” The executives shared looks. Over the last two years, there had been some rather innovative changes. At the time, they praised Silas for being so adaptive and foreseeing changes that were occurring. It was one of the reasons so few called for his resignation. But now, it seemed he hadn’t been the one making those changes at all. On one hand, it was a rather dirty trick. On the other, it highlighted just how capable Alexis was and what they could expect under her reign. Their gazes went to Alexis, who benignly smiled, letting them do the mental math. She anticipated some disapproval with her position, which was why they used her internship to test the waters. She wasn’t naïve enough to believe there wouldn’t still be some hesitation, but the majority should be willing to back her. “Well now, if there are no other questions, it’s time to make it official,” Silas said. “Alexis, your public awaits.” * * * Reporters had spent the last hour seeking the best seats in front of the podium that had been set up in the lobby. It was a rare event for Silas Prescott to address the public, so none wished to miss his official announcement. Many anticipated this to be his official resignation, so it was likely to be his last major public appearance outside of charity benefits. At one o’clock, Silas appeared, stepping up to the podium. Cameras rolled and chatter ceased as he nodded to them in acknowledgment, “Hello. It’s been awhile since Prescott Industries held such an event. As you probably suspect, it will be my last. Today, I formally announce my retirement and resign as this company’s CEO.” He paused, letting them snap pictures and make notes. “This decision was not made in haste. It has been carefully planned for the last two decades. I would have retired sooner, but I wanted to devote extra time to my successor until they were absolutely sure they were ready. All of which is to say, they are highly capable and ready to leave their mark not only on this company, but the business world at large. Without further ado…the new CEO of Prescott Industries: Alexis Prescott.” “Knock ‘em dead,” Sean whispered. “Make them cry,” Theo smirked as she stepped forward to join their father. Alexis shoved aside her concerns and walked out with her head held high. She was ready. She had prepared for this day. It belonged to her and her family. Silas drew her into a hug before bringing her to the podium. “My daughter.” “Hello,” Alexis acknowledged the reporters. “It’s nice to be here and I hope you’ll be kind, though I don’t exactly expect it.” The reporters chuckled at her candor. “Well, since dad made his big announcement, I’m sure you all have a lot of questions. So, let’s start with those. First question? Yes?” “If I may say, this announcement is rather unexpected,” the reporter stood. “Some might even call if rash.” “Really?” Alexis smiled, “funny, most people have been pressuring my dad to retire for years.” “Oh? Is that so? And who might they be?” “My mother, for one,” Alexis enjoyed the blush that came to the reporter’s cheek. Everyone knew just how many children her parents had. One could only guess how many more there would be if her father didn’t work. “There is nothing sudden or rash about this decision. My father has been preparing for this day for years, preparing us.” “Us?” another reporter asked. “My dad, like all dads, wants what is best for us and for our future. Luckily, it’s also what me and my brothers want,” Alexis nodded, signaling Sean and Theo to step forward and join her. “For the past several years we have all stepped into the roles most suited to us and learned this company from the inside out. To say we are ready to take the training wheels off is putting it mildly.” “Are you at all intimidated being a young woman in the world ruled by powerful men?” a female reporter stood. “Why would be? If Alice Stanton can do it…so can I,” Alexis smiled. “If anything, the old men clutching their seats are the ones who should worry. I’m not expecting all of them to bow out gracefully like my father. Not all of them have a loving wife and children patiently waiting for them like he does. And I don’t expect them to play nice, but they should consider this fair warning…be careful who you face across the game board.”
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