The Exorcism

2007 Words

The entity possessing Mike’s wife suddenly flew into a wild rage and stood up on the bed. Marie looked pale and lifeless and her eyes were little pools of blackness. With her long dirty blonde hair streaming across her face, she began uttering some incoherent gibberish. Then to everyone’s great horror, the pregnant lady levitated over the bed and rose higher till she had nearly touched the ceiling. There she stood floating like a lifeless corpse with her neck twisted sideways. “The woman and her child will die a slow and painful death,” chuckled the spirit inside. “They have done you no harm. Why are you doing this?” David cried out exasperatedly. “Who are you?” “Are you Kelly Evans?” asked Vanessa. “No!” came the rasping reply from Marie. Just then Mike came in with the rope. Imme

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