Chapter 7 : A Tale of Survival

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Megan P.O.V "Where are you, Megan?" Caroline's voice was filled with concern and worry. I could hear the fear in her voice as I struggled to hold back tears. "I'm hiding in the bathroom," I replied, my voice shaking with terror. The loud bangs on the bathroom door made it hard for me to hear her response. "He still thinks that I'm having an affair," I added, hoping that Caroline could help me calm him down. "Is that him banging on the door?" Caroline's voice was now filled with urgency, and I could hear her rushing to get to me. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for her to arrive. "Yes, please hurry," I sobbed, tears streaming down my face as I realized that the door wouldn't hold for long. I knew that Renaldo's temper could be unpredictable, and I didn't know what he was capable of. As I waited for Caroline to arrive, The banging on the door grew louder and more frantic, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before he broke through. The tension in the room was palpable as I braced myself for what was to come. I knew that Caroline was my only hope, and I prayed that she would arrive in time to save me from the wrath of Renaldo. The tension in the room was palpable as I braced myself for what was to come. I knew that Caroline was my only hope, and I prayed that she would arrive in time to save me from the wrath of Renaldo. As I sat huddled on the floor next to the bathtub, I could hear Renaldo's angry voice outside the bathroom door. "Megan! If you don't open this door right away, you will pray to whatever god you believe in for help. Just tell the f*****g truth and say you've been f*****g around," he yelled, his voice filled with rage and frustration. I knew that there was no reasoning with him in this state, and I remained silent, hoping that Caroline would arrive soon. I could hear Renaldo kicking at the door, trying to break it down, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before he succeeded. Renaldo's voice grew louder and more menacing, and I could feel my nerves starting to fray. "Open up!" he demanded, his voice echoing through the bathroom. I knew that I couldn't give in to his demands, but I also knew that the door wouldn't hold for much longer. The banging and kicking on the door had stopped, and I could hear Renaldo's voice on the other side. "Baby, please open up so that we could just talk," he said, his voice much calmer than before. I desperately wanted to believe him, but I knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to open the door just yet. As I stood there, trying to decide what to do, when he just started kicking the door again. I could hear the wood of the door starting to splinter and crack under the force of Renaldo's kicks. I knew that I didn't have much time, and the fear and anxiety were almost too much to bear. When I turned around, Renaldo was standing in front of me, his face twisted with anger. He had caught me off guard, and I was in shock when I saw him in the bathroom with me. I could see the rage burning in his eyes. His rage was palpable as he slammed my head against the wall, cutting off my sentence mid-word. The force of the impact made me see stars as the first punch landed in my face. I tried to reason with him, pleading for him to stop, but my words meant nothing to him. In fact, it seemed to make him angrier, and he struck me in the face again, his other fist landing a blow to my chest. He kept punching me, his fists raining down on me like a hailstorm, until I dropped to the floor, gasping for breath. But he wasn't done yet. He started to kick me in the stomach, each blow feeling like a sledgehammer to my already battered body. Despite the pain, I tried to stand up, but Renaldo grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me up to my feet. As I slowly turned my bloody face towards him, I could see his fist raised in the air, ready to deliver the final blow. Throughout this ordeal, I managed to avoid passing out, but my consciousness was severely impaired. I could feel myself slipping, my body struggling to keep up with the relentless assault. But I held on, determined to survive and make it out alive. The last kick that Renaldo threw was so powerful that it knocked me unconscious. I didn't know how long I was out, but when I opened my eyes, Renaldo was lying in front of me in a tangled and disordered state. My head was throbbing with pain, and I could feel the blood trickling down my face. As I turned my head, I saw Caroline kneeling down next to me, busy rinsing a cloth. "Good that you're waking up," she said, her voice filled with concern. "Let's get you up," she added, standing up and helping me to my feet. She kept wiping the blood from my face as we slowly made our way down the stairs. As I sat on the couch, waiting for Caroline to return from the kitchen with an ice pack, I couldn't help but tremble uncontrollably. I felt like a total failure, unable to protect myself from Renaldo's violent outburst. I was at a loss for words, unable to express my gratitude to Caroline for her impeccable timing. "How did you stop him?" I asked as I placed the ice pack over my eye, trying to ease the pain. Caroline's response shocked me. "He didn't notice me entering the room, so I grabbed his baseball bat next to the bed and struck him from behind on the head. It knocked him out instantly," she said matter-of-factly. "But let's get out of here before he wakes up," she added, standing up and taking charge of the situation. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as we made our way out of the house, *The Next Day* “Morning, Megs, how are you feeling?" Caroline's voice was soft and soothing as she entered the room. "I've made you a cup of soothing, sugary tea. Just in case you're hungry, I've already prepared breakfast downstairs for you," she said, her voice filled with warmth and concern. The memories of the previous night were still fresh in my mind, and I was lost in thought when Caroline's words brought me back to the present. She handed me the cup of tea that she had prepared for me while applying ice packs to either side of my face to reduce the swelling. Caroline's gentle touch was comforting, and I could feel the tension in my body start to ease. She was focused on helping me feel better, and I could see the worry in her eyes as she looked at me. "There's no need to worry about me; I'm used to this feeling of pain!" I replied, trying to reassure her that I was okay. But deep down, I knew that I wasn't okay. The pain was still there, both physical and emotional, and I didn't know how to deal with it. Caroline gave me a sympathetic smile, and I could see the concern etched on her face. She was doing her best to help me, and I felt grateful for her presence in my life. As we sat there in silence, sipping our tea, I knew that I had a long road ahead of me, but with Caroline by my side, I felt like I could face anything. Caroline just sat down next to me, her hand on my shoulder, offering moral and emotional support. Her touch was gentle and encouraging, and I could feel the weight of her concern for me. "Megan, you're going to have to put an end to this," Caroline said, her voice laced with worry. "Look at you. You have a cuts on your face and two blue eyes. Your face is puffy, and I have a nagging feeling that one of those gorgeous blue eyes is going to stop working." I couldn't help but smile wistfully at Caroline's concern. She was right; I was a mess. The thought of going to the emergency room for a checkup crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. "No!" I shook my head vehemently. "Please don't suggest that. When Renaldo comes looking for me, he'll check the hospital first. They have him listed as my next of kin, so even if he doesn't come looking for me, they'll call him anyway." Caroline's words were like a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. "There's no need to be scared, everything is going to be just fine, and you have nothing to worry about. I've got you!" she said, enfolding me in her arms and rocking me back and forth. I let myself be held, feeling the tension in my body start to ease. Caroline's embrace was warm and comforting, and I could feel the fear and anxiety slowly dissipating. As she rocked me gently, I noticed that my breathing had become more regular, and I gradually began to feel less anxious. The pain on my stomach where Renaldo had kicked me was also starting to fade away. "I think let's maybe keep the ice on for a few more minutes," Caroline said as she released me from her arms and stood up from the bed. "I should get ready for work," I muttered, trying to get out of bed. "Are you crazy? You can't go to work looking like this," Caroline said, gently pushing me back onto the bed. "Take the day off. I'll get the doctor here later today, and if he says you're fine, then you can go back tomorrow if you want. Is that fine with you?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. I nodded, feeling grateful for her care and attention. As Caroline left the room, I lay there on the bed, lost in thought.
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