Chapter 6 : Locked In Fear

1197 Words
Megan P.O.V. After the thought challenge, I could feel the weight of exhaustion and relief wash over me. As I looked around, I could see respect in the eyes of my fellow candidates, and it was a feeling that I didn't want to lose. Giovanni's suggestion to go out and celebrate was music to my ears, and without hesitation, I quickly agreed. I knew that this was an opportunity to bond with my peers and show my gratitude for their support. As soon as the challenge ended, I made my way to the locker room to freshen up. The smell of smoke and sweat clung to my skin, and I knew that I needed a shower to feel clean again. The hot water cascaded over my body, and I closed my eyes, letting the tension and stress of the day wash away. After the refreshing shower, I quickly got dressed in my clothes from this morning that were neatly folded in my locker. I wanted to make a good impression on my fellow candidates. As I exited the locker room, I noticed that everyone had already left for the local bar down the street. I quickly made my way to my car and drove to the bar, eager to join the celebration. As I entered the bar, I was greeted with cheers and applause from my fellow candidates. They had already ordered me a beer, and I gratefully accepted it, taking a sip and savoring the refreshing taste. We spent the next few hours laughing, sharing stories, and bonding over our shared experiences. The atmosphere was lively and festive, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the camaraderie of my peers.I knew that the door wouldn't keep him out, so I ran toward the bathroom where I could lock myself in, so there would be two doors to break down. I got my phone out of my pocket and managed to call Caroline with my hands shaking and tears rolling down my cheeks It only rang for a few seconds before I heard Caroline's voice on the other side, “Hi Megs,” she answered, Caroline, I need your help now,” I said, between my tears, she knew exactly what was happening and what Renaldo is capable of before I could reply I heard how he broke the bedroom door and walking to the bathroom door and shouting now it is only one door between us and I know it won't keep him out long However, as the night wore on, I couldn't help but notice that it was already past 11 pm. I glanced at my phone and was shocked to see a flurry of missed calls and messages from Renaldo. I knew that he would be angry that I hadn't come home yet. After quickly finishing my drink, I said goodbye to everyone and made my way out of the bar. As I walked toward my car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and apprehension. I knew that Renaldo would be furious with me for staying out so late, and I braced myself for the inevitable argument that was sure to follow. As I drove home, my mind raced with thoughts of what was to come. I knew that Renaldo's temper could be unpredictable, and I tried to mentally prepare myself for whatever was in store. I pulled into the garage and switched off the car, taking a deep breath before getting out. I grabbed my duffel bag from the boot and made my way into the house, closing the door behind me with a sense of trepidation. I placed my bag on the couch and took a moment to survey the room. Everything looked the same as it always did, but I knew that things were about to change. As I waited for Renaldo to emerge from the bedroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. I knew that he would be angry with me, but I didn't know how angry. Would he yell and scream, throwing things around the room? Or would he be cold and silent, giving me the silent treatment for days on end? The uncertainty was almost too much to bear, and I found myself pacing back and forth, waiting for the storm to hit. Finally, I heard the bedroom door open, and I braced myself for the worst. The moment I stepped into the house, Renaldo's voice boomed through the hallway. "Where the f**k have you been?" he yelled, his anger palpable. Before I could even answer, he stormed towards me, his hand wrapping around my throat with a vice-like grip. I felt my back slam against the wall, and I gasped for air, struggling to breathe. "You are hurting me," I managed to gasp, trying to grab his arms to release the pressure from his hand around my neck. As he finally released his grip, I saw an opportunity to escape. I quickly darted towards the bedroom, knowing that I could lock myself in there for safety. As I locked the door behind me, I could hear Renaldo's footsteps thundering down the hallway. "Open the f*****g door!" he shouted, his voice filled with fury. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I braced myself for what was to come. Suddenly, there was a loud bang as Renaldo slammed against the door, demanding that I open it. I could hear the anger and frustration in his voice, and I knew that I had to stay strong and keep the door locked. As I locked myself in the bedroom, I knew that it wouldn't be long before Renaldo broke down the door. I could hear him shouting outside, his voice filled with rage and frustration. I knew that I had to act quickly if I wanted to protect myself from his wrath. Without a second thought, I ran towards the bathroom, knowing that I could lock myself in there and buy some time. As I fumbled with the lock, my hands shaking with fear and anxiety, I managed to get the door secured. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I had created an extra barrier between myself and Renaldo. As I tried to calm myself down, I reached for my phone and dialed Caroline's number. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I waited for her to answer. After a few rings, she picked up, and I could hear the concern in her voice. "Hi Megs," she said, her tone gentle and reassuring. "Caroline, I need your help now," I pleaded, my voice shaking with emotion. I knew that she would understand the gravity of the situation and the danger that I was in. Before she could reply, I heard a loud crash as Renaldo broke down the bedroom door. I could hear his footsteps echoing on the bedroom floor as he made his way toward the bathroom. "Now it is only one door between us," he shouted, his voice filled with anger and malice. I knew that it wouldn't be long before he broke down the bathroom door too, and I braced myself for what was to come.
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