There Were Eggs?

1938 Words

“I think you need me, Alpha,” Shaun whispered while he was still locked on to the sight before him.  Mara’s eyes only continued to dim until then. Her stare was telling. She wanted him gone, but Shaun couldn’t leave her this way. He stepped forward carefully and a challenge began to rise in her eyes. It was silent but deadly. It was a promise he’d die in this room if he moved any closer. Shaun nodded to her then, accepting whatever fate she’d give him as he slid his other foot forward once more.  “I think you need your Omega to tell you exactly what you are,” he continued.  One step and then another led her back to the nearest palace walls, carved from the stone of the cave wall. It was the very same that he’d watch her stare out into the far reaches of his kingdom, ever ready for battl

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