6. The indecisive omega

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Aniya nervously paced around the room while eyeing at her phone once in a while. She felt her stomach in knots and her heart was pounding like crazy. All because of one call. She was waiting for the call. She tried to distract herself from how cold her hands felt and how she was almost seconds away from having a full blown panic attack. The omega did vow on the burnt land that she will take revenge but she was not used to playing this role. The evil one. The idea of publically humiliating them occurred her last night but when she heard from Julia about the charity Gala she couldn't miss the opportunity. It was decided that few omegas along will arrive there and start accusing the twins. Only thing was she was having a hard time convincing these actors to play the part because they all were scared of the Romano clan. It all made sense though. Just after the twin's sister, Emily got married to Lucas son it was like they became the strongest clan. The patrol increased by thrice and everyone was scared of them. Just then her phone rang jerking her out from her thoughts. The omega rushed towards her bed and picked the call. "Hello? Ara?" A voice questioned from the other side and she cleared her throat instead of answering. Of course, she had used her sister's name because she didn't want to be caught. "Yes, this is she. Am I speaking with Britney?" "Yeah. After much thinking, I have decided that I'll take the part but as soon as I'm done I'll need the cash. I can't stay here anymore." The artist's voice trembled a bit. Aniya looked at the clock in front of her and thought about it. She had enough to pay her but what about others? "Okay, that can be arranged. But are you alone? I need a few more people to pull the act" "Don't worry some of my friends from downtown are willing to help. They are doing me a favour so you don't need to pay them." Aniya grinned at that. Just when she thought that she had to drop this plan and think of something else. She nodded excitedly but a second later realised that she was talking on the phone. "Thank you. It's a deal then. I'll message you the address, timing and make way for you to get in. Just play your part correctly." Aniya instructed while shifting on her feet and from the corner of her eyes she could see the photos of her family. She couldn't back down now. "We'll stick to the script. See ya." *** The gala was in full swing. A low whistle slipped her lips as she looked at the decorations. Naturally, it was held at the hospital but the hall was assigned for the auction. Aniya looked around the entrance and noticed that everyone was dressed to nines and she smiled while brushing the lint off her dress. She had clad in A-line off shoulder floor length emerald black dress paired with her favourite stilettos and a clutch to go along. She had received several looks as soon as she stepped out of the cab and it made her feel tingly. As she walked forward, the cold metal of her long earrings brushed against her cheek and it made her smile a bit. A valet greeted her at the door and showed her the way towards the hall. "Oomph" A tiny body crashed into hers and she stumbled a bit. She looked down in confusion and noticed that the girl's face was painted. A pink butterfly. "I'm so sorry Miss." The little girl whimpered while looking at Aniya. The omega's lips curled in a smile. Maybe it was something to do with the biology but she loved kids and wanted to have a litter for herself. She bent a little in the little girl's direction and shook her head. "I'm fine but you need to be careful. What's your name, princess?" She softly asked. "I am not a princess" The girl giggled and Aniya's heart clenched at that. She was so precious. "Really? With that adorable face and that pretty gown no way you are not a princess" Aniya teased just then she felt the familiar scent around her. She lifted her head only to look at Erik approaching them with a fond smile on his face. He looked ravishing with that black tux fitting him like a glove. "There you are! I have been trying to find you everywhere Kiya" Erik laughed but then the little girl giggled and hid behind Aniya. "Is she giving you any trouble?" Erik asked looking at her, a grin playing at the corner of his lips. "Is she your pack member?" Aniya asked while softly running her hands through Kiya's head. She had no hair but a tiny bow plastered. "No. She's our patient..." Erik trailed and then coming behind her he scooped the child in his arms who giggled and hid her face in his shoulders. Aniya's eyes widened at that. She thought that the girl must be his relative or something. "I want to run around though" The girl pouted while pulling at his coat to which the Alpha shook his head. "Sorry, but you can't run like that K. It's dangerous. Besides you promised Mila that you'll get matching drawing, didn't you? She's waiting on you" The little girl's eyes widened in shock and she slapped her forehead and huffed, "I forgot about that." "Can I go please EE?" Aniya noticed that he nodded his head but made her promise him to not run away again and then she looked at Aniya. "Bye bye" Aniya waved her back and then noticed that Erik was still standing there. "You look beautiful Aniya" He whispered while staring at her to which the omega felt her cheeks heat up. "That was the look I was going for" She shrugged to which she shook his head and then they were walking towards the hall. "So" They both started in unison and then smiled. "You go first," He said looking at her. "Are you doing this because of the Ladies first thing?" The omega raised her eyebrow looking at him to which he laughed. "No... No. You really can't accept things easily huh?" "We shouldn't because there is definitely some hidden motive under that. It's just the way it is." She said while staring ahead. She could feel his stare on the side of her head. "You really are one of a kind, Dr Martin." "Aren't you full of compliments today Dr Romano? What's your hidden motive?" She teased while looking at him. "Guilty" He raised his hands and then continued, "Just want to get to know you I guess" "Fair enough" It was silent for a few seconds and they were just walking towards the hall. The wolves and half wolves along with humans were spread out everywhere. "So what did you wanted to ask me back there?" She heard Erik's question. "Oh. About Kiya actually. You two seem close." "You could say that. Kiya has cancer. Bone. Including osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma. Her wolf is injured and too fragile to heal and its been three months of treatment but no response" He sighed. "She's in section C then?" Aniya softly asked, her voice hoarse. She couldn't believe that the little girl was carrying so much weight on her shoulders. "Yeah. I take it they have not yet assigned you that ward?" He asked curiously. "No. My seniors are in control of that." He nodded his head. "So... The charity Gala is for these kids?" "Yeah pretty much. We try to distribute the funds evenly but the priority is given to children, pups." He answered. "Wow, that's really thoughtful. Is that why you all include these kids for the Gala?" She questioned as they stood in front it the red carpet. He shook his head and turned to look at her. "Actually most of these kids are bored lying in the same beds so it's change for them. And many meet their idols and get autographs, photographs, whatever they want. We want to make it feel like a Gala for children as well." Erik chuckled and shook his head, "I don't know if that made sense." "Oh, it did." She shakily smiled. She cannot let those actors in and spoil the Gala. "What about Dr Evan?" "He's in there alright. In fact, he personally organises all these kids activities but please don't mention that to him. He'll have my head." Erik said with a wince. "My lips are sealed. Don't worry" She said and then they walked inside the hall. And that's when the sight in front of her made her halt. Evan was actually laughing while getting his face painted by some kid and others were mumbling something to him. She could see the way his eyes crinkled at the corners and the happy curve on his lips. She cannot do it. She turned around to leave. "Aniya what happened?" Erik's voice stopped. "I have to make a phone call." ***
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