17. A Forgotten History

1433 Words

**Nate** As we sat down on the rocks that surrounded the circle that basically saved our lives, I couldn’t help but feel grateful to this coven and all members within it.  If it wasn’t for them, both Luca and myself would most likely be dead by now.  On the walk from the forest to here, I took a few minutes to distract Luca through our mind link to help calm him down further.  I asked him questions about what happened when we first arrived and stuff like that.  It seemed to help and we were able to push a lot of information through to each other in a very short amount of time.  He too had some questions of his own and we both felt like we were finally starting to put the puzzle together.  I don’t remember the same as Luca does at getting off to a rough start with them because I was uncons

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