18. More Truths to Learn

1567 Words

**Luca** Listening to everything the elders had to say, was only leaving me with more and more questions.  I knew that we were still missing some big pieces to the puzzle and I was wondering why they felt the need to tell us all of it.  After all, we were strangers to everyone here and our kind had caused them so much grief.  When Aurora first spoke in a raspy, sore voice, it took everything I had in me not to run back into the forest and kill every single one of those assholes that harmed my mates.  A low growl escaped my throat, not on purpose, but more on instinct.  Everything had changed around us so fast and in such a short amount of time, I honestly was not sure how many more surprises were waiting.  It was only a week ago that I was heading to my parents house for that forced famil

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