24. Healing Again

1751 Words

**Luca** Walking out of the forest with Nate by my side gave me a sense of accomplishment feeling like there wasn’t anything that we couldn’t do together.  Now that the adrenaline had worn off though, I felt like hell.  Deep cuts, scrapes, and some deep bruising started to appear all over my body.  During the fight, I was so focused on what was happening and what was coming next that I didn’t feel half of the hits that I somehow took.  It was somehow like pain was not registered unless it was a more serious injury.  All in all though, we were outnumbered 10 to 2 and we were successful with 9 dead and 1 we let go.  I was hoping that we would not learn to regret that decision that Nate made, but I suppose only time will tell there.  I couldn’t help but notice that with this newly found powe

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