Bullying Occurrence

1282 Words
Chapter Eleven. Kieran’s POV. As I entered the class, the weight of their gazes settled upon me like a physical force. I saw the flicker of fear in their eyes, like a spark igniting in the darkness. Vida's face contorted in a mixture of anguish and despair, her tears flowing like a river as she struggled to rise from the floor. The air was heavy with tension, thick with the scent of anxiety and uncertainty. My own anger and frustration simmered just below the surface, my wolf's growl rumbling deep within my chest as I took a deliberate step forward, my eyes locked on the scene before me. “'Sir, sir, we can explain!” one of them pleaded, but I was already striding towards Vida, my anger and frustration boiling over. “What the hell are you doing on the floor?” I demanded, my voice echoing through the room. “Can’t you hit them back?” I yelled, my fists clenched at my sides. Fuck! This can't be our Luna, how the f**k can't she fight back? I felt a surge of rage and helplessness, my instincts screaming at me to protect her. I reached out, my hands trembling with the urge to grab her arms and shake her back into action. But instead, I watched in disbelief as she clamped her hands over her mouth and turned to run, her eyes wide with fear. “Vida! Vida!” I bellowed, my voice hoarse with emotion, but she was already gone, disappearing into the shadows like a ghost. I spun around to face them, my eyes locking onto the familiar face of Sienna, the woman who had pretended to be so friendly and welcoming. Now, her smile seemed like a mocking taunt, and I could feel my anger and betrayal simmering just below the surface. I remembered how Vida had refused to sit with her, and how I had thought it was just paranoia. Now, it all made sense. Sienna's sugary sweet words and artificial concern had been a ruse, a clever disguise for her true intentions. My gaze narrowed, fixed on Sienna like a predator zeroing in on its prey. I began to walk towards her, my strides slow and deliberate, my eyes never leaving hers. I could feel my fists clenched at my sides, my muscles tensed and ready to strike. How could I have been so blind? How could I have trusted her? The questions swirled in my mind like a vortex, fueling my rage and determination. I was going to confront her, to make her pay for her deception and her betrayal of Vida's trust. She retreated backwards, her eyes wide with fear, until her back slammed against the wall. I stood there, my face a mask of calm, my arms folded across my chest. But beneath the surface, my emotions seethed like a cauldron, my wolf growling and snarling, eager to break free. “What happened here?” I asked, my voice low and even, but with a harsh undertone that made Sienna flinch. She swallowed hard, her eyes darting back and forth, searching for an escape. I could feel my claws extending, my fingers twitching with the urge to unleash my wolf. 'Boris, not now,' I muttered, a silent warning to my inner wolf to keep its fury in check. But it was hard to restrain, hard to keep my anger and betrayal from boiling over. “Answer me!” I roared, my voice echoing off the walls, and Sienna's eyes went wide with fear. She swallowed hard, tears spilling down her cheeks, and I felt a surge of confusion. Why was she crying? I hadn't even laid a hand on her, and yet she was playing the victim card. I hated people like this, always thinking they were the smart ones, when in reality they were the dumbest. “Young lady,” I growled, my voice low and menacing, “Will you speak, or do I need to make you speak?” I took a step closer, my eyes bore into hers, and she cowered, her tears falling faster. I could feel my patience wearing thin, my wolf snarling and snapping, eager to take over. But I kept him in check, my gaze never leaving Sienna's face, as I waited for her response. But before she could speak, I heard my name - “Kieran!” - and I turned to see Kaden standing in the doorway, his face a mask of calm, his eyes revealing nothing. “It’s time,” he said, his voice low and even, and I nodded, my mind still focused on Sienna. “Give me a minute,” I said, my voice firm, and Kaden nodded, his expression unchanging. “Okay, be fast,” he replied, his eyes flicking to Sienna, and I gave him a curt nod, my gaze returning to the trembling woman in front of me. “Young lady,” I warned, my voice cold and menacing, “The next time you try to touch her, I will personally handle you or inform the Principal about this event.” I emphasized the last word, my eyes boring into hers, and Sienna's tears fell faster, her face pale with fear. I could feel my anger and frustration simmering just below the surface, but I kept them in check, my gaze never leaving hers, as I waited for her response. But the only response I got was a curt nod from Sienna, and then I turned around to face the other students who were watching the scene unfold. “Same goes to you all,” I warned, my voice firm and commanding. I scanned their faces, my eyes lingering on each one, and they all nodded in unison, “Yes, sir.” “Good,” I said, my voice a little softer, and I turned to walk away, loosening my tie as I went. But then I heard one of them whisper, “Sienna, sorry,” and my steps faltered. I turned back to see who had spoken, my eyes narrowing, but they all looked away, their faces innocent. I knew it was an act, but I let it slide, for now. I had made my point, and I knew they wouldn't forget it anytime soon. “What’s up?” I asked, as we walked away from the scene with Sienna. “Father called,” Kaden said, his voice casual, and I groaned, “Not again,” muttered, rolling my eyes. Kaden chuckled, and I turned to him with a hard glare. “It’s not funny," I said, my voice firm, and he gave me a smile that disappeared immediately. “Sorry,” he said, his eyes serious, and I shook my head. I was older than Kaden by two minutes, and I loved to brag about it. But at that moment, I wasn't thinking about our age difference. “Father is saying we're slow,” Kaden said, his voice low, and I paused in my tracks, my heart sinking. “Does he think it's easy?” I asked, my voice rising in frustration. “If it's that simple, he should be here, not us!” I exclaimed, my words echoing down the hallway. Kaden's eyes flicked around, his expression cautioning me to keep my voice down. “Your voice is high, people can hear you,” he said, his voice low and calm, but I was too angry to care. I let out a hiss, my lips curled in annoyance, and stormed away, yanking open the door to our dorm room. But the moment I stepped inside, Vida's next words made me stare at her incredulously.
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