Two Answers

1212 Words
Chapter ten. Kieran’s POV Vida's twitching fingers and furrowed brow betrayed her discomfort as she sat across from me, the round, wooden table stretching between us like a shield. I c****d my head slightly, concerned etching lines into my forehead as I questioned. "Is everything okay, Miss Vida? Is there any problem?" Vida's shoulders softened as she met my gaze. "No, I'm fine," she assured me, her tone as placid as a lazy river. I nodded in response, letting a small smile twitch at my lips before I turned to address the waiting students. “As I was saying,” My voice cut through the tepid classroom air as I stood in front of my students, their expectant gazes anchored on my movements. I paused for a moment, savoring the silent, before writing the day's topic on the board with a few, well-practiced strokes of the chalk. "Now, I'll give you all some activities to work on," I stated, my voice confident and even, while the students immediately bent over their desks, hands poised with pens and papers. With a stifled sigh, I stood in front of the gathered youths, my eyes scanning the rows of expectant faces. "Explain what you understand by metaphysics," I commanded, my tone brooking no resistance. "Yes, sir," the class replied in unison, the echo of their voices creating an eerie chorus in the small, stale room. I sank into my chair behind the desk, resentment like lead in my chest. How I loathed teaching. My fists clenched beneath the desk, a snarl building low in my throat as I sat back in the hard, wooden chair. If only my father hadn't forced me into this soulless prison, this mockery of a school. If only Kaden hadn't been so quick to accept his offer, I'd be miles away from here, where I could breathe, where I could be myself. And not stay here with these boring creatures. The rustle of papers was the only sound that punctured the silence and also their whispers, and it grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. Vida’s beauty caught my gaze, her wavy hair spilling over her shoulders like a cascade of liquid gold. She was breathtaking, there was no doubt about that. Yet, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of frustration at the absurdity of the moon goddess pairing us together. Vida was human, a weak and fragile human. What did she know about the intricate workings of a pack? How could she possibly handle the demands of being a Luna? My jaw clenched, the thought, a thorn in my side. Our eyes locked, and my wolf stirred with excitement, yearning to claim her. I bit my lip, hoping she wouldn't notice the intensity of my gaze. I was desperate to pin her against the wall and hear her moan my name, the mere thought sending my desire into overdrive. I was transfixed, unable to tear my eyes away from hers, my inner wolf growling with impatience. As she finally broke eye contact, I exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling the tension in my chest ease. I glanced down, my eyes widening slightly at the sight of my obvious arousal. 'f**k,' I muttered under my breath, my face warming with embarrassment. How long could I keep this up? Being stuck in this class room with my mate, who seemed clueless about the intricacies of our bond, was driving me crazy. I checked the time on my wristwatch, the ticking seconds echoing in my mind. “It’s almost time to submit,” I thought, my heart racing with anticipation. I could feel the weight of Vida’s gaze on me, even though I wasn't looking at her, and it was suffocating. "'Pens up!' I commanded, and the students reluctantly obeyed, placing their pens on their desks. I stood up, my eyes scanning the room as I began collecting their books. When I reached Vida’s desk, I paused. My eyes stayed glued to the floor as I spoke. "Leave it on your desk, Miss Vida. I'll collect it later," I stated, deliberately, my tone firm but polite. “You can all leave now,” I announced, my gaze avoiding Vida's as I sensed her simmering anger. “f**k you!” She muttered a curse under her breath, and I struggled to suppress a chuckle, knowing that if she only knew what I truly was, she wouldn't dare defy me so brazenly. The shuffling of feet and rustling of bags filled the air as the students filed out of the room, leaving Vida and me alone for a moment. The tension between us was palpable, and I could feel her eyes burning into my skin like a branding iron. "May I help you, Miss Vida?" I asked as I picked up her notebook and returned to my seat, my eyes trained anywhere but her face. "Nothing, sir," she responded, and I felt the distance between us grow as she walked toward the door. A wave of relief washed over me as her footsteps faded away. I let out a silent breath, my eyes following her retreating form. I couldn't help but smile. Her back was straight and proud, her long hair swinging like a pendulum as she walked away. The soft glow of the light highlighted the gentle curve of her shoulders, and I felt a pang of longing. I quickly looked away, focusing on the book in my hand, but the image of her lingered in my mind. My pen scratched against the paper, the scritch-scratch a familiar melody, as I graded the assignments. But my rhythm was interrupted when I realized the two answers were remarkably similar. I looked down at the names, the bold letters staring up at me like accusatory marks. Vida Wilding and Sienna Wilding. Two students, two assignments that seemed eerily aligned. I narrowed my eyes, my mind working overtime. Who helped whom? Was this an innocent coincidence or something more sinister? I leaned back in my chair, pondering the possibilities. I made a mental note to review Vida's book later when I get to the room, that way I would know who cheated. I stood up, gathered my papers, and placed them in my bag. With a sense of purpose, I headed outside, my footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. However, my stride was halted when I noticed a group of students congregating near the lockers, their hushed tones and furtive glances making my instincts tingle. I chose to ignore them and continued walking, my senses on high alert. But then, I caught Vida's scent - a subtle blend of vanilla and honey - and my wolf instincts screamed 'danger!' My heart raced, and my eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of potential threats. My body moved of its own accord, I bulldozed through the crowd, my face a thunderstorm as I beheld the sight before me. There she was, Vida, crumpled on the floor, surrounded by a gaggle of cackling hyenas masquerading as students. Rage, hot and potent, coursed through my veins like molten lava, and I let out a roar that shook the hallways. I thundered, my voice a crack of lightning. "What the hell is going on here?!”
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