Can I kiss you

2008 Words

Pearl's pov I felt my world sink when Alari started crying, I could tell she didn't want to but couldn't help it. Heck, I wanted to cry but I fought back my tears, this wasn't about me and I knew Alari would jump to comfort me if I did. I wished there was something I could do to make this go away, I wished I could take it all away and give her a good life. She deserved it, after all the suffering she took back at Silverlake, she deserved a little brightness in her life. Now I understood why her parents kept this from her, it would have broken her. Her cries twisted my heart painfully, I'd never heard her cry. She was the strong one between the two of us, the tough one, and now she was hurting so much she couldn't hold it in anymore. The King lifted her into his arms, whisperin

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