
2698 Words
Xavier’s pov Forever seems to be the right word for how long I’ve been gone from home. Five whole years without seeing my parents and the pack and today was finally the day I would set foot on the lands that would soon be mine. “I swear the air is even sweeter” said Jackson, my best friend and Beta, sniffing outside the window. “Sure is buddy” I said, taking a deep breathe, driving past the all too familiar trees of my pack. f**k I missed this place. “I get that you’re excited to be home but don’t lie” Lilly laughed from the back seat and Jackson whipped around to look at her. “You act like you weren’t jumping for joy when we were at your pack!” he exclaimed, making her laugh harder and shake her head. “At least I didn’t lie about the air being sweeter!” she said back, making me smile at how good she got along with Jackson, being my girlfriend and definitely future Luna. We met at the council compound five years ago and became friends instantly. As the only child and heir to her pack, she was sent to train like all other future Alphas and maybe even find her mate. Lucky for me, he wasn’t there and being friends, we spent a lot of time together and eventually started dating. We’d agreed to keep things simple, since we both wanted to find our mates some day and would have to break up but I think we fell in love without even realising and soon enough, we were planning a future together. “All I’m saying is, Rey can’t wait to be let loose” said Jackson, bringing me back to the conversation and I couldn’t agree more, Asher’s been pacing since we crossed the border. “Lady and gentleman, we’re home” I said as the pack house came into view and our welcome party stood there waiting for us. “Awooooooooooooo!” Jackson howled, making me and Lilly laugh at his silly antics. I pulled up to the drive way and Jackson literally jumped out of the car, rushing towards the group. Rose, his mother, rushed towards him and jumped into his arms, the sight warming my heart as I saw my own mother speed walk to the driver’s side. “My boy!” my exclaimed as she threw her hands around me the moment I stepped out of the car. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up, twirling her around and she laughed joyfully. I put her down and kissed her cheek, “hi mom” I smiled down at her. She placed her hands on my cheeks, looking at me with teary eyes, “my baby boy is finally home” she said, the smile on her face causing her face to wrinkle. “That’s a man sweetheart, not a boy” dad said, making me turn my gaze to him. Mom moved out of the way as I walked towards my father and Alpha. “Hello old man” I said as I hugged him, making him laugh. “I’m not that old just yet my boy” he said breaking the hug to stand tall, his Alpha aura still as strong as ever and I bowed in respect, “yes Alpha” I said, making him laugh. “Welcome home son” he said, squeezing my shoulder before patting my back. “It’s good to be home” I said looking at the massive pack house that held so many memories, memories I couldn’t wait to share with Lilly. “Mom, dad, I want you guys to meet someone” I said, looking back at Lilly, holding out my hand for her to take. She walked to me, took my hand and stood beside me, a soft smile on her face. “This is Lilly, my g…” I started saying but my mom cut me off. “Oh goddess, you found your mate!” she squealed, her eyes brightening as she looked at Lilly. “Uh, no but she is my chosen” I said, smiling at Lilly before looking back my parents, who’s expressions had changed from glee to cautious. “Chosen?” mom barely whispered the question, her surprised gaze going from me to Lilly and back. “Son, are you sure about this?” dad asked, his frown deepening at the implication of taking a chosen mate. “Yes dad, I’m certain” I said, tightening my hold on Lilly’s hand. “Alpha, Luna, we both understand what this means, an Alpha is significantly stronger with His true mate but we’re hoping the merging of our packs will compensate for that and strengthen both our packs” Lilly said, letting a bit of her Alpha out so my parents could feel that she wasn’t just a she-wolf but an Alpha as well. “Well, at the end of the day, it is your choice” mom said with a sigh. “You must be tired and hungry, come inside, lunch is ready and there is much to talk about” dad said, taking mom’s hand and leading her inside the house. I gave Lilly a reassuring look before leading her inside as well. The house was just as I remembered, not a single thing out of place, although there was a lingering sweetness in the air that had my wolf standing at attention. Whatever the chefs had made smelled amazing. Quickly making our way to the dining hall, we took our seats at the head of the table and the omegas brought out the food. It smelled good but nothing like that sweetness that lingered at entrance and something was pushing me to try and find it but I pushed it down, concentrating on the food before me. “The elders had nothing but great things to say about you two” dad said looking at Jackson and I, making Jacks stretch his lips into that goofy smile of his. “We had to show them what would happen if they ever mess with Silverlake” he said looking my way and I nodded in agreement. As hard as the elders pushed us, we made sure to top every challenge, got the best grades; we made sure we were the standard everyone else was held up to. It was the reason why so many of our peers wanted to align their packs with ours, everyone wanted their pack to have an alliance with a strong pack. “You boys did well, we’re proud of you” dad said, making my smile widen, knowing I’d made my father proud of me. “I thought you said they were men, not boys” mom said, teasing dad, who opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, unable to find the right words. The table burst into fits of laughter and dad sighed in defeat. We were given an hour to settle in before having to sit down with my parents and discuss my ceremony tomorrow. Since they hadn’t planned for me to come back with someone, there are some changes that have to be made, plus we have to prepare for the arrival of the Lycan King. The sweet scent hit me the moment I went into my room, and although it was already fading, it was enough to make my mouth water and my wolf go crazy. I wasn’t stupid, I knew exactly what this meant and I had to find a way to ditch Lilly to find who this delicious scent belonged to. “So this is the Alpha’s bedroom” Lilly said, throwing herself on my bed. “Yeah, this is it” I said, looking around my room, trying hard to not take a deep breathe; even though everything in me demanded that I relish the fact that my mate had been in my room. “Which door leads to the bathroom?” she asked, sitting at the edge of the bed. “Uhm, that one over there” I said pointing to the bathroom. She got up, stretching her arms, probably with the intention of going into the bathroom and I saw that as an opportunity to go mate hunting. Mate hunting! Why did that sound so arousing? “Take your time in there, just going to grab something in the car, I’ll be right back” I said, already walking backward to the door. “K” she said and I turned around and rushed out the door. Asher was howling excitedly at the prospect of finding our mate, we’ve waited our entire lives for this. I’ve dreamed about this moment so many times, but… My legs suddenly stopped moving, I looked back at my bedroom door, guilt making me swallow hard. Lilly … “Isn’t our mate! Our Luna is here and she waiting for us!” Asher growled, trying to push forward but I held him back. “I know that, but we made a promise” I sighed, my legs resuming our quest to find our love. Love? I didn’t even know this person and here I was calling her love! The scent got stronger when I got to the ground floor, more defined. I could taste honey and fruit, a hint of wild flowers the more I breathed it in and it was driving me mad. My pace increased the stronger it got and I found myself speeding towards the kitchen. Wait! The kitchen?! Why would my mate be in the kitchen at this time of day? Unless she was an omega! “I don’t care, just get to her!” Asher growled, getting angry that I had stopped moving. As enticing and compelling as it was to find my destined, I couldn’t bear the thought of her being a weak omega. “Our mate is not weak!” Asher kept trying to push forward but I was strong and I wasn’t about to let him take control and do the unthinkable. I stood frozen for a moment, contemplating what to do. I could go back upstairs and go on with life like I’d planned, make Lilly my Luna and reject my mate or I could mess it all up and choose my fated. This should be an easy decision, any wolf would choose their fated mate but I’m not just any wolf; I’m an Alpha and I have a responsibility to my pack. I had to choose wisely. Maybe if I just knew who she was then my decision would be easier. Yes, just one small peak. I made sure to conceal my scent, something only high ranking wolves could do and made sure to make a little noise as possible as I tiptoed to the kitchen entrance. I took a deep breathe when I got there and slowly peeked inside. There were two people inside and both had their backs to me but I knew who my target was and when recognition finally hit me in the face, I quickly pulled my head back, my heart racing as images of her face flashed before my eyes. No, no, no no no no no no! This can’t be happening! Of all the wolves in this f*****g world, the goddess paired me with the one that was practically human? f**k my life! “I want my mate! Go to her now!” Asher broke through the mental block I had put up to keep him away and now he was howling and growling in joy, pushing me to go to that… Freak! “Xavier?” A voice from behind made me whip around so fast, I think I gave myself whiplash. “M.. mom, hey what are you doing here?” I stuttered rushing towards her, I had to steer her away from the kitchen. I don’t know how long she’d been watching but I knew I couldn’t let her connect the dots, she was too smart not to. “I wanted to ask the staff to prepare us some refreshments” she said, looking at me with that wheels turning in her head stare she gets when her mind starts working overtime and I knew I had to think fast. I grabbed her shoulders just as she looked behind me and turned her away from the kitchen. “Its fine mom, we don’t need any drinks. In fact, I think you should mind link dad and tell him we’re ready to start discussing my ceremony now” I rushed, mentally face palming myself at weird I was acting. “Real smooth dumbass” Asher rolled his eyes and I forced him back again, blocking him. “You’re acting weird” mom said with a frown as I sat her down in one of the chairs on the terrace, far from the kitchen. “What? No, I’m just excited, I’m finally going to be Alpha” I said smiling, hoping she was buying it. “Hey, I’ve been looking for you everywhere, had to follow your scent out here” Lilly said joining us and I sighed, glad for the distraction. “Uh yeah, I couldn’t find what I was looking for and since you’re here, we can start discussing our Alpha and Luna ceremony tomorrow” I said, watching her brighten up. “Your dad should be here any second now, please sit” mom said and we sat down. Dad arrived shortly after and we started discussing the details of my ascension ceremony, well, more like Lilly and my parents discussed everything while I was trying to push the image of my mate out my head. Asher wasn’t any help either, he kept pushing her face, the shape of her beautiful built body, her long legs, pale skin that looked soft to the touch. Her eyes so unusual yet never failing to put me in a trance; she was truly an enigma. “We’ve liked her for a long time, you just kept denying it and acted like an ass” Asher rolled his eyes, having taken my distracted mind as a chance to slip back in. “Alright then, we’ll make sure everything is perfect and the way you want it. Why don’t you go freshen up and come down for your welcome party, the pack has been buzzing with excitement at the return of their Alpha” mom’s voice filtered through my thoughts and it took me a second to hear what she said. Lilly got up, taking my hand and I just followed like a lost puppy as she led us to my room. “I’m so excited, I can’t wait to meet your pack!” she squealed as we entered my room and went straight for her bag to look for something to wear. She finished getting ready first while I made some excuse to stay in my bathroom just a little longer, trying to clear my thoughts but Lilly kept nagging me about being late so I’d mind linked Jackson to keep her company while I finished up. The party had already started so I knew she was probably at home, being an outcast kept her from socialising with the others. Knowing I wouldn’t be seeing her all night made me bitter but also gave me piece of mind knowing I still had time to decide just what I was going to do with her. I shut the door to my bedroom as made my way to the party, ready to mingle with my pack, it’s been a long time and even though Asher was still nagging me about our mate, I knew he was also excited to be among his pack again. Her scent hit me again as I walking through the hallway and before I could sniff her out, one of the empty rooms on the Alpha floor suddenly opened and I came face to face with the woman I’d been trying to avoid all afternoon. “MATE!” Asher howled and I stood frozen, drowning in her violet pools.
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