
2112 Words
Alari’s pov A sudden rush of air blew past me, chilling me to bone. And why is it so dark, I never sleep with my light off. I looked around frantically, trying to figure out where the hell I was; only to realise I was in the middle of the freaking woods! Did I sleep walk again? How did I even end up here? Oh Goddess, am I lost? But, why does this place feel so familiar? “Valerian!” a woman’s cry pulled me out of my thoughts, making me turn around just in time to see a small cabin materialize out of thin air. The door swung open and tall man came into view. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t make out his face, it’s almost like his face was blurred so I couldn’t tell who it was. The man picked up the woman and brought her inside the cabin while I stood there contemplating whether I wanted to follow or not; but then again, what could possibly go wrong? It’s not like I’m in the middle of the forest with no memory of how I get here. Steeling my heart, I walked towards the cabin, wrapping my arms around my body as the winds picked up and it looked it was about to storm terribly. I could hear muffled voices as I reached the door but just as I was about to twist the door handle, a terrifying shriek like howl tore through the night, awakening a fear I didn’t know I possessed. “What the hell is that?” I whispered to myself, frozen still on a stranger’s porch. The door behind me opened and I turned swiftly; ready to explain why the hell I was at their front door in the middle of a stormy night; definitely not giving serial killer vibes. Just as I was about to come face to face with whomever was at the door; everything around me changed and the next thing I knew, I was running barefoot somewhere in the forest, with no sense of direction; I just knew that if I didn’t run, I was dead! A loud growl caught my attention and caused chills to run down spine, and definitely not the good kind. I forced myself to run faster as the growling multiplied and the sound of paws aggressively hitting the earth reached my ears. “You can’t run forever Lyla” a menacing voice whispered and I felt myself run faster. My feet were aching, probably bleeding but that didn’t matter, I had to get away, I had to find a way out of this damn forest! Something caught my leg, a root maybe? It didn’t matter, what mattered is that crashed into the forest floor hard; and even though I wanted to lick my wounds, I knew I had to get up. Raising my head from the ground, I came face to face with a dark, shadowy figure growling in my face. My heart stopped and I held my breath, the nightmarish creature that stood in front of me barring its long sharp teeth just two inches from my face. It had a long face like a deformed wolf with a mouth just as long; and multiple rows of teeth I knew I could not survive. One bite from this thing and I was done for. “I did say you couldn’t run forever” a voice I knew but had no idea how said from behind me and I turned around, coming face to face with a woman that invoked unimaginable rage from deep within me. Only for a moment did I forget the threat to my life as the creature that was now behind me growled louder; not liking my dismissal very much. “Where is the child?” she asked with a menacing twinkle in her eyes and I felt my lips tug up into a smirk. “You will never find her Narcissa” I said, forcing myself to stand. I noticed two more beasts, similar to the one still growling behind me but different in size. I watched the creatures stand on either side me, successfully boxing me in so I couldn’t escape them. I felt my shoulders sag at the realisation that there was no way out of this; I was going to die here tonight. “Why do you make everything difficult for me?” she rolled her eyes, her face couldn’t even hide the frustration. “First the man I love, then my crown and my f*****g kingdom!” her voice rose to a scream by the time she uttered the last word. “WHERE IS THE DAMN CHILD LYLA!” She screamed in my face so loud I thought I heard ringing. The creatures howled; the sound so terrifying that a shiver wracked through my body, making my skin itch and bones ache. I don’t think I’ve ever been this afraid in my life. “Whatever Miles saw in you, he died for it; but on my grave I swear my child will live to take back her throne!” I growled; my claws and fangs elongating as I lunged at her, hoping to take her with me. I tackled her to the ground and we rolled twice before coming to a stop with her on top of me. Her hands went for my throat but I quickly slapped them away and took a shot at her ribs. She groaned and leaned to the side and I took advantage, rolling us over so I was on top. I raised my claws, aiming for her throat when I caught a flash of black and turned just in time for one of the creatures to tackle me off of Narcissa. I landed hard on my back, the creature pinning me down with its large front paws. It extended its claws and pushed on my shoulders, piercing my skin. I bit my tongue, holding back my scream as I stared daringly into its eyes. It growled angrily, not very happy with my challenging stare and before I could think of a way to get it off of me, it went for my throat. “Aaahhhhhhhh” I screamed, my eyes opening at the feel of hands on my shoulders. “Alari! Baby it’s just a dream!” mom’s soothing voice managed to get my brain to stop speeding. My eyes scanned my room and my lungs slowly started taking in air and relief flooded my entire being. I’m okay, I’m in room, safe, it was just a dream. Just a dream… I laid my head on my mom’s shoulder and sighed deeply, f**k; one day these nightmares will give me a heart attack. They’re so real! “What was this one about?” dad asked, sitting at the foot of my bed, making me sigh and sit up straight, recalling what I had just dreamt. “I was in the woods, there was a cabin, and a woman, looked like she was seeking shelter or something. She called a name, I don’t quite remember and I couldn’t see her face either. There was another woman, Narci… something, I don’t remember and she had these beasts chasing me” I sighed, feeling a shiver run down my spine at the vivid memory of those creatures. “Narcissa?” Mom whispered and I turned to look at her, frowning. “Yeah, how did you know that?” I asked, watching as she looked away. Every time I tell them about a nightmare I had, she gets this look in her eyes that gives me the feeling she know something. “Mom?” I called softly, hoping maybe this time she will grace me with answers. Her reactions always give me the impression there’s more to these nightmares than she lets on. “Oh, would you look at the time; you’re going to be late for your duties at the pack house. Go get ready and I’ll make us breakfast” she said, getting up abruptly , not forgetting to kiss my forehead before rushing for the door. I don’t know why or where it came from but I just suddenly grew frustrated with her and I felt my wolf surface for just half a second. “What aren’t you telling me?!” I growled, shocking both my parents and just as she had come, she disappeared like she was never there. A heavy silence filled the room as I kept staring at my mother, whose eyes were as wide as saucers at my little display of anger. I’d never reacted like that to her before but as shocking as it was, I couldn’t let myself fold. She was hiding something from me and I had to know what it was. “Your wolf is getting stronger, maybe one day you will fully shift” dad said, trying to steerthe conversation in a different direction and as frustrated as I was, I couldn’t help acknowledge what my he’d said. I have a weak wolf, instead of shifting when I turned sixteen like all normal wolves do, I didn’t. I did get the super senses and strength that make me a supernatural, just not the wolf. I feel her sometimes, when I feel too intensely but most of the time, it’s me, alone with my thoughts. “Yeah, I guess” I murmured, looking down at my hands, besides, mom wasn’t going to say anything, might as well let it go. “Alari” my mother whispered thickly and almost brokenly but I couldn’t bring myself to sympathise with her. “Its fine mother, I have to get ready” I said getting out of bed and speed walked to my bathroom. Shutting and locking the door as a tear of frustration ran down my face. Looking into the mirror, I saw the abomination everyone always saw in me. On top of not having a wolf, I had unusual features. Long pointy ears that I always made sure to cover with my long white; almost silver hair; my almond shaped, purple coloured eyes always had people looking at me like I was some kind of freak. And my complexion? Pale as a sheet, nothing like any wolf I’d ever met. In another world, I’d be beautiful; just not the one I was born into. Because of my unusual looks and lack of a beast, I’m treated like an outcast by my pack, bottom of the barrel, lower than an omega. I think the only reason I wasn’t treated like a slave, is my parents. Though their treatment was bordering on slavery. Both of them are witches but my dad specializes in healing magic, herbs and potions while my mom is a seer and also does some protection spells on the pack. Even though wolves and witches don’t see eye to eye, my parents have built themselves a good name and are well respected here. I hopped into the shower and prepared my body for yet another day of cleaning every room in the pack house, by myself and let the omegas take credit at the end because they can. Quickly scrubbing myself clean, I got out of the shower, dried up and put lotion on. I walked back into my room and searched my closet for something comfortable to wear. Oh wait, my entire closet was full of comfortable clothes, clothes that made chores a lot easier! Choosing a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt and sneakers, I quickly put the clothes on and pulled my hair into a messy bun, making sure to cover my ears. I grabbed my phone and left my room to get some good food, if the smell of pancakes was any indication. “She will be of age in just weeks Beth, we have to tell her the truth” my dad’s hushed words made me stop at the door just before going into the kitchen. “You think I don’t know that!” mom whisper yelled, making my heart drop to my stomach; what on earth were they keeping from me? Not wanting to be late, I walked into kitchen with a fake smile on my face, “ooooooh pancakes, my absolute favourite” I said, taking a seat at the table. “You are one stealthy girl, you sure your beast isn’t a cat?” mom said with a laugh so fake I felt my non-existent wolf cringe; but I just laughed it off and dug into the plate she’d put in front of me. One day… One day I will find the truth
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