Love Or War

2664 Words
*Bella* I rushed away from the MD's office as fast as I could, only to collide with someone, causing something hot to spill on my clothes. "s**t!" I groaned, hastily wiping the hot coffee from my clothes with my hand. "Oops!" Hearing an amused voice, I lifted my eyes and found Caterina standing before me, holding the half-empty coffee cup and wearing that wicked smirk on her face with heavy makeup. "I didn't see you coming. Sorry, Dr. Bella. I hope you don't complain about me to your cousin," the taunt in her tone was not hard to miss. I swallowed hard at the mention of Vin as my cousin. She knew a lot about me as she was also from Florence and the same school. I knew she would intentionally want to spoil my image like she had done since I joined this hospital. She was the one who spread the rumor about Orlando and my affair in the hospital. Not only this, but she also told everyone in this hospital that my ex-boyfriend left me for her. I had always tried to stay away from this girl, but she liked to cross paths with me and cause trouble. I didn't know what her problem was with me. However, I hoped she wouldn't reveal my relationship with Vin because this time she needed to think twice before going against her boss. "What are you doing here, Caterina?" I quizzically glanced at the coffee mug while wiping the wetness on my clothes with my handkerchief. She was in the admin department, and bringing coffee for the MD was not her job. “Oh, I am Mr. Leonardi’s new secretary at the hospital,” she said with smugness in her voice while fluffing her strawberry-blond hair. I raised a brow in challenge. I knew how she used to get what she wanted. "Don't look at me like that, Bella. I worked hard to get this position, unlike you, who takes favors from relatives." My mouth fell open. Everyone knew I never asked for a favor, and I was what I was today because of my hard work to make myself deserving. “Of course,” I mocked with a snort and headed out to the bathroom; I needed to clean my shirt before the spot became permanent and tend to my burned skin. _______________________ "Bella, why do you have to visit our new managing director's office every day?" Sarah asked, playfully poking my arm as we all gathered in the cafeteria, which was our usual place to hang out for us during our break time in the hospital. I rolled my eyes, recalling how Vin summoned me to his office every day. He seemed perpetually uneasy, insisting on thorough check-ups. Sometimes, he even came up with strange reasons to prolong my stay in his office. "I visit to check Mr. Leonardi's vitals," I sighed in response. I didn't understand why he reappeared in my life, only to make it more difficult. I hadn't seen him in those three years since my accident, and now he suddenly appeared before me, purchasing the hospital where I worked and demanding all of my attention. Did he forget how he made me regret spending that forbidden night with him six years ago? The next morning, as I left feeling confused and awkward, he didn't even bother to come and see me; instead, he sent my pendant, which I had left in the room, through his sister, Riya. He called me once, suggesting we pretend it never happened and that everything could go back to normal. But I knew better than to believe him. I didn't want to be just another girl he considered a notch in his bedpost. So, I stopped talking to him and avoided events where he was supposed to be present. However, Vin didn't seem to mind. He went back to his normal life, partying, chasing girls, and making scandalous news every day. But we could never return to how things were before because everything had actually changed between us. "Is he unwell? He appears perfectly healthy and fit," Olivia chimed in, pulling me out of my thoughts to the present. "No, he's not sick,” I shook my head. “In fact, he's in very good health. He just wants me to examine him daily to ensure he stays that way, I suppose," I mumbled the last part under my breath. "Well, in that case, I could give him a thorough examination," Olivia said, grinning mischievously. “Yesterday, I overheard Caterina gossiping with others about how Mr. Leonardi is pleased with her, and he asked her to join him for dinner after office hours,” Layla, the Radiologist, said in a hushed tone. “However, when I greeted him with my irresistible smile this morning—the one that usually melts any man—he didn't even acknowledge it," she made a sour expression as if she had tasted something unpleasant. "It seems you need to work hard like Caterina to please Mr. Leonardi," Sarah giggled, playfully tapping Layla's hand as Olivia joined in. "Wear some sexy dresses like Caterina used to wear for Mr. Leonardi, and he will take you to dinner,” Olivia teased Layla with a playful glint in her eye. "Shut up. I don't need to impress Mr. Leonardi as that slut Caterina does," Layla rolled her eyes confidently with a hint of pride in her voice. "Yes, I have noticed how desperately she roams around Mr. Leonardi and doesn't let anyone interact directly with him as if she owns all the rights," Sarah scowled. "Caterina is a b***h. No wonder she might already be sleeping with Mr. Leonardi," Layla commented, making me choke on the water I was sipping. "Alright, enough, guys!" I interrupted, clearing my throat. "We shouldn't gossip about our MD's personal life in our workplace." Their heads snapped toward me. "Layla, I think Bella can help you to get to know Mr. Leonardi better. After all, she used to go to his office daily," Sarah winked. Layla looked at me as if I was actually going to tell her. “What?!” I glanced with shock at them as my eyes widened at the realization. “Guys, keep me out of your naughty business. I am already overworked,” I waved my hand in denial while shaking my head desperately. "Your orders are ready," Ronnie announced from the self-service counter. "Thanks, Ronnie," I mumbled, offering a small smile. We collected our food and found an empty table to sit at. "Hey, Bella!" A manly voice called for my attention as I turned my head to find Dr. Orlando Costa smiling charmingly at me. "Dr. Costa?!" I was surprised by his sudden appearance. "It's Orlando to you, sweetheart," he reminded me with a gentle smile. "Right!" I breathed out shyly. "God, I've missed you so much," he sighed, his voice a hushed whisper as he drew nearer. His gaze remained locked on me. I bit my lip, averting my eyes, feeling awkward with his overt flirting. "Oh, shoot! I've got to run. My duty is about to start," Sarah announced, giving me a wink. "No, wait," I mouthed, but she only smirked and shook her head, her eyebrows lifting in a gesture toward Dr. Costa. "Olivia! Layla! I think it's time we make our exit," Sarah suggested, addressing the others. They exchanged a knowing look and broke into smiles. "Actually, I just remembered some urgent tasks," Olivia declared, her mischievous grin directed right at me. "Oh, yes. I should leave too. I have an urgent report to prepare," Layla nodded. Olivia leaned in, giving me a side hug and whispering in my ear, "Have fun." These girls! I sighed inwardly. "Ah, it's such a relief to finally see you after all this time," Orlando exhaled contentedly as he took a sip of his coffee. "What's wrong?!" I inquired, sipping on my own coffee. "I'm not entirely sure. They kept scheduling me for back-to-back shifts, making me work tirelessly. I hardly had any time for myself. But today, I managed to sneak out just to catch a glimpse of you. A week without seeing you felt like an agonizingly long year," he admitted, his gaze fixed on me with intensity. "But why did they overburden you with multiple shifts?" I muttered, not paying much attention to his flattery. "Perhaps they believe I'm the best doctor they have," he replied with a hint of smugness. I rolled my eyes at his inflated ego. "Doctors, back to work. The hospital doesn't pay you to leisurely enjoy coffee in the cafeteria," a stern voice reprimanded from behind. I turned to find Vin standing there, his angry gaze piercing like daggers. "We're here for our break," I retorted, but he brushed past me as if he hadn't seen me, stopping only in front of Dr. Costa. "I don't want needy patients to suffer in pain. Get back to work promptly," Vin ordered in his icy tone while his intimidating eyes remained fixed on Dr. Costa. "Fine," I muttered quietly. "Not you, Dr. Bella," turning to me, he interrupted me just as I was about to rise from my seat. I furrowed my brows in response while he sported a sly grin. "I need you to have lunch with me," he demanded, his intense gaze unwavering and locked onto mine. "Why, Mr. Leonardi? Am I not supposed to be working?" I challenged, narrowing my eyes at him. "You're absolutely right. Your duty is to attend to me right now because I'm feeling very hungry," his tone dropped an octave, and his eyes seemed to darken as they roamed over me. "I need you to be there to monitor my diet." "But I'm not a dietitian," I protested. "Come on, Dr. Bella. You at least know what's good for my heart," he replied with a flirtatious tone, causing me to huff in frustration. I truly hated the way his grin widened. "And Dr. Costa, meet me in my office," Vin commanded, his gaze unwavering and fixed on Orlando. My eyes darted back and forth between Dr. Costa and Vin. Both men seemed to be engaged in a silent battle of wills. Dr. Costa didn't respond verbally, but after a long minute of glaring, he nodded before leaving the seat. "See you later, Bella," he said with a hint of sadness before departing. Okay, so our MD wanted me to suggest a healthy lunch, and I would prepare the healthiest lunch for him. I got up from my seat and ordered a glass of green juice made from all the bitter vegetables, along with a sandwich loaded with all kinds of chilies, full of vitamins, minerals, and high protein. I smirked as I brought his ‘healthy lunch' to his table where he was eagerly awaiting me. "Here you go!" I gestured to his fantastic meal. "Thank you, Dr. Bella. You care about me so much," he grinned. I nodded, smiling brightly. "It's my duty, Mr. Leonardi. Please savor your special lunch." I waited for him to taste it. He picked up the juice glass and took a sip. His expression changed as he gulped it down his throat. Now he would never bother to ask for my advice. But to my surprise, he smiled again. "It's perfect. I feel so energetic with only one sip," he said, making me scowl. "Yeah! Please finish the whole glass and try this very healthy sandwich," I said, gently pushing the plate toward him. He nodded and took a big bite. I mentally cursed myself for being so rude as my heart softened, seeing his happy face. I couldn't let him eat it, and I was about to snatch it back, but he dodged away from my grip. "Umm… It's hot and spicy," he moaned, closing his eyes. "Just like you, and I love it," his eyes snapped open and met mine with intense desire as he announced, licking his lips sensually and fueling my fury further. This is only the beginning, Mr. Leonardi. I will make sure you enjoy your time here in the hospital. I vowed silently. ********************* *Vincenzo* "Boss, Mark isn't opening up and giving us information about the Greek mafia intrusion into our territory," Micah, my right hand, informed me. I had sent him to headquarters as we had a lead about the Greek mafia. They had become a pain in the ass, and it was my responsibility to stop them. They were targeting to acquire Rome, the Italian mafia hub, to overshadow us and take over Italy for their business. "Then kill him. He's of no use to us," I barked the order before hanging up the phone. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. Though I didn't want any more trouble in my life, it seemed to never leave my ass. Ah! I was born with the inheritance of being in the mafia, playing with fire, and living in constant trouble. Suddenly, there was a knock on my office door, making me even more frustrated. "Come in," I called out, annoyed. Dr. Costa entered, walking with pride and I couldn't help but grimace inwardly at his appearance. He was undeniably handsome, and perhaps that was his Achilles' heel. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Leonardi?" Dr. Costa's irritation was evident in his tone. "Yes, Dr. Costa. Please take a seat," I gestured, rising from my desk. I moved around it and positioned myself at its edge, leaning slightly. He studied me with an intense gaze. "I strongly suggest you keep your distance from Dr. Bella," I advised as my tone was laced with a clear warning. "Excuse me?!" He seemed genuinely taken aback. "I don't believe in mincing words. Let's get straight to the point. If you value your position here, keep your distance from Dr. Bella," I threatened, and this time my voice carried a grave seriousness that made it clear there was no room for denial. "Mr. Leonardi, you can't dictate my personal life. I work for your hospital, so you have no legal grounds to fire me unless I violate a rule. I'm one of the top doctors, and numerous hospitals are eager to have me join them," he retorted, sprawling arrogantly over the chair. I couldn't help but smirk. He had no idea who he was crossing paths with. One mistake, and he would vanish from this world in such a way that no one could ever find a trace of him. "Very clever!" I snorted. "And thank you for your input. I'll be introducing a new rule that prohibits dating among doctors of City Hospital, citing professionalism," I announced suddenly. He was caught off guard, his eyes narrowing before a wicked smile played on his lips. "Then, by the same token, you'll have to refrain from pursuing Dr. Bella due to professionalism," he gritted out. Oh, you have no idea Doc! "Once again, your input is invaluable. I'll ensure to mention that this rule doesn't apply to non-medical staff and management personnel," I declared, my smile widening as I observed his face darken with frustration. "You can't do this," he retorted, his tone laced with anger. He didn't know what I was capable of doing. I snickered at the thought of when he ever found out what he would do. "My hospital, my rules," I smirked, shrugging nonchalantly. "You're... You're a..." He stopped himself, his teeth clenched. "Feel free to say something you'll regret forever," I challenged him. He was lucky I chose not to reveal my dark side before Petal. Otherwise, he would have vanished by now, and no one would ever find him. He huffed in frustration, storming out of the room in a fit of rage. I exhaled heavily, well aware that my actions were far from fair. But as they say, everything is fair in love and war.
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