2547 Words

IIBEFORE THE CITY-GATE (Pedestrians of all kinds come forth.) SEVERAL APPRENTICES Why do you go that way? OTHERS We're for the Hunters' lodge, to-day. THE FIRST We'll saunter to the Mill, in yonder hollow. AN APPRENTICE Go to the River Tavern, I should say. SECOND APPRENTICE But then, it's not a pleasant way. THE OTHERS And what will you? A THIRD As goes the crowd, I follow. A FOURTH Come up to Burgdorf? There you'll find good cheer, The finest lasses and the best of beer, And jolly rows and squabbles, trust me! A FIFTH You swaggering fellow, is your hide A third time itching to be tried? I won't go there, your jolly rows disgust me! SERVANT-GIRL No,—no! I'll turn and go to town again. ANOTHER We'll surely find him by those poplars yonder. THE FIRST That's no g

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