Chapter Twenty Three

993 Words

Chapter Twenty Three**Annabelle** I didn't know why but I placed my hands on the wound, it barely helped. In fact more blood gushed out. My hands were shaking. I hadn't been in this position before, I had absolutely no idea what to do. I quickly called for an ambulance but Fallon eyes were closed. His breathing was shallow and his pulse was weak at best. "Stay with me please...." I begged and prayed staring at my window. The bullet was a clean one, meant for me and Fallon saved me. I'm no expert but from the angle it was shot at , I can confidently say it aimed for my heart. Who ever tried to shoot me or hired someone to do it is very skilled. If not for Fallon, I would be dead on the floor at this very moment. I checked his pulse and it was barely noticeable. He's slowly slipping a

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