Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two**Fallon** I was dumb struck after what happened. Ava couldn't lift her head up. She clung to me for protection and her loose hand laid on her tummy. Motherly instinct I guess. "Hey, it's okay. Go upstairs, I'll deal with this." "It's Annabelle isn't it. She thinks I leaked whatever and she's trying to hurt my baby..." "I don't know Ava. Just upstairs and I'll figure this out just please." She quietly nodded and walked upstairs. I moved closer to the strange rock and picked it up. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID, I'M COMING FOR YOU." Only one person has a reason to "come" for Ava. It's Annabelle. I didn't think she would do something like this but the coincidence can't be mistaken. I can't keep going back and forth. First Ava's scandal, then Anna's and now this. It

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