
2017 Words
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright © 2022 Cassey9 Lenora P.O.V I look down at the woman in my arms and clutch her closer to my frame. Her beauty was one I could lose myself in for all eternity. A growl resonates from deep within the longer I stare at the unconscious woman. It’d been years, no, centuries that the beast within had felt this thrilled about another person. My eyes appreciatively travel across her face taking note of the freckles dotting the expanse of her button nose. My agility increases the further I ran past the cluster of trees. I needed to get her to a better place. A safer place away from those vile men. Thinking of the four causes my anger to bubble to the surface and I menacingly snarl as the images of what I’d witnessed not long ago fill my mind. They were going to defile her, harm her and the child. Those men were merciless and I’d retaliated in kind. Mercy wasn’t bequeathed to the wicked, a rule that I lived by. My day had been stressful to say the least and it had prompted my trip into Hargrove forest. Tracking and hunting for prey served to calm my raging anger. The news of my brother’s arrival had left me tethering on the edge of vehemence. Callum and I never saw eye to eye. To be precise, we were the exact opposites, our ideologies so varied it had led to a bittering rivalry. I loathed him in every sense of the word and the feelings from him were mutual. I couldn’t stand his presence but I had to for the sake of my sisters. To them, we were a family no matter what and had to stick by each others side. Our blood was supposed to be thicker than water. Yet, no matter how long time passed Callum and I only seemed to drift further apart. I just never expected finding the blonde being attacked in the forest. It’d been a shock but one that had turned out great in the end. Though faint, I’d heard her call from the other side of the forest where I’d been stalking for a target to unleash my temper upon. Her call was like a gentle whisper laced with pain and it had coerced me into rushing to be by her side. It’d been by chance, arriving just in time before those men could have their way with her. The smell of their arousal mixed with her uninhibited dread had been choking. And it had doubled the rage I had towards them for what they had done already. I’d ripped the man on top of her in blind rage breaking his neck in a blink of an eye. The other three men stood transfixed for a few seconds before running away helter skelter. Their deaths too had been swift but pain ridden. They hadn't seen it coming, getting no time to react or even the chance to save their worthless lives. My anger and hunger had been satiated by their vile blood but that ghastly taste had been erased by a taste of my distressed damsel. Her blood was like a dose of euphoria. So sweet that my fangs start to unsheathe with the desire to taste her again. I swerve to the side narrowly missing crushing into an extended branch. Growling in displeasure I hasten my speed, my car wasn’t parked that far off. My movements though lithe seemed a little altered with her in my arms. I struggle to draw back my fangs fighting against my natural instinct to take her blood. Hers to be exact. She tasted different than anything I'd gotten to have before and I needed more of her but I couldn't. Taking advantage of her in this helpless state would make me the same as the cowards that had put her in peril in the first place. She’d been the first one to notice my presence, calling out to me to save her. Her thoughts of me so pure, had thawed my heart. Her first impression of me something I wanted to last forever. I was her knight in shining armor and it would remain that way for as long as I lived and breathed. My car comes into view as I approach the edge of the forest. Despite the area around being as deserted as a graveyard I decrease my sprint to a jog. Humans and their technologies made it hard to openly use my abilities. CCTV cameras were mounted everywhere and captured every single detail. I had to be careful and vigilant so as not to reveal myself. Notifying people of our existence brought nothing but chaos and death. We had to stay hidden, blend in with the rest of the population as much as we could. Hence the car I used. In the past, I’d traverse great distances in a matter of minutes, reach places so far that no human could dare reach. The advances brought by the current innovative know-how only served to restrict my kind and in making the human beings rather lethargic. I rush to the passenger side of the car and pull the door open. As gently as possible I set the woman down before strapping the belt on to keep her steady. I round to my side in seconds and settle in ready to leave. The car softly roars to life and I turn to gaze at her again. My left hand goes to her stomach, rubbing gentle circular motions while listening to the baby’s beats and I’m relieved for its wellbeing. She groans again, her head moving to the side. The beautiful blond hair fails to her face, concealing the now drying blood that had been creeping from the bruises on her face. Carefully, I stroke my fingers over her smooth soiled face, “I’ll always protect you,” I swear vehemently. “I’ll keep you safe too,” I whisper my hand resting on the protruding tummy again. Their safety was now my number one priority. Whomever had sent those men after her would pay dearly if they tried so once more. I pull out of the parked spot and drive through the forest’s undergrowth quickly making my way to the main road. It’s like my hand has mind of its own as its stretches out to gently caress the baby bump. The monster rumbles in pleasure when I feel a slight kick on where my hand rests. Something about this woman, left me feeling at ease. I was calm, peaceful and contented in her presence. She grounded me and I craved nothing but to be in her presence constantly. I’d finally found the one, mother had been right all along. Somewhere out there existed someone meant for me and I’d finally found her. My other half, my mate and I’d do anything to protect her and the child. My only desire now is for her to feel the same. I wanted her to feel the deep connection that I was experiencing. I needed her to stay by my side but all that would have to wait. I’d have to wait for her to get better to get any answer or a sign. The wait is agonizing as my eyes stray from the road to find her still unmoving. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ‘Get the door’ I telepathically link to Jade while I quickly make my way up the front stairs of the house. I didn’t want to set her down but hold onto to her. The huge door opens and Jade moves to the side allowing me to carry the unconscious woman in. “Lenora?” Jade’s apprehensive voice carries as I make my way further into the house. With quick strides she’s by my side as we make our way up the staircase. “Are you hurt? Did something bad happen? Why are your clothes awash with blood?” Jade was a helper. Her and a few other humans who lived in the mansion with my family. They acted as a food source, willingly providing us with the essential blood that we needed in order to survive while they got great financial benefits and protection from our side. She also worked as a domestic aid, her mother the chief of staff in the home. Jade moves to stop in front of me but instantly steps aside at the sound of my snarling. She follows my gaze that is settled on the master bedroom’s door. Jade moves ahead and gets the door for me again. I walk into the darkly lit room turning to gaze at Jade who stops at the threshold. “I need to be alone,” I mutter and she simply nods her head at my request and closes the door in her departure. My eyes adjust to the blackness as I walk across the expanse of the huge room. Something about the darkness calmed me. Helped me think better. I lay her on my rarely used bed and sit right next to her. My hand takes her warm one fitting perfectly against each other. “You’re safe with….” “Who is she?” The question comes before I can even register her sudden presence. My eyes linger on the woman’s face taking in as much of her peaceful yet beautiful face. “Lenora!” “Keep it down!” I snap whirling around to finally acknowledge Selene. My sister’s face contorts into a frown at my tone but she nonetheless stays quiet. “What do you need dear sister.” “I came to check up on you. Make sure you were safe,” Selene says despite her full attention being focused on the unconscious blonde in my bed. “Jade…Jade said you’d arrived soaked in blood and with…with an expectant woman in arm Lenora. Who is this? Who is she to you?” “She. She is someone very important Selene.” This woman was significant. Despite coming across her less than hour ago she had become someone so central to me. Regardless of not knowing her name she remained as to my sole focus. I needed her to be okay. “Important to you?” she questions incredulously. “Since when? Is she your lover?” “No. Not yet. But she will be,” I utter the words with absolute conviction. Selene’s laughter is hearty and loud. “Are…are you being serious Lenora?” she asks in between her chuckles. Her amusement is like a jab to my self-image. I don’t understand the cause for my sister’s laughter, I’d had my fair share of lovers. Both men and woman, and Selene was always aware of them all. “Should I know her from somewhere then?” my little sister continues with her questions. “No. You haven’t met before. Excuse us please Selene. I need her to rest.” “Sure cranky pants,” Selene answers playfully smacking my shoulder lightly. Despite her age and all she’d undergone Selene still managed to retain her mischievous side. “Go away Se…” “Wait Lenora. I have a question.” “What is it Selene?” I ask and immediately regret at the playful glint in her eyes. “Are you the responsible party Lenora,” My sister questions gesturing with her hands at my damsel’s pregnant state. “Did…did you give…” “Out!” I utter the command moving threateningly towards her but Selene is out the door before I can set my hands on her. Turning to move back to the bed I feel a smile of my own forming. Selene’s good humor was infectious and lifted my spirits whenever I found myself in the dumps. My beast had set her sight on her and would do everything, move mountains if she had to, in order to claim this woman as hers. Selene’s words though lighthearted ignite a sense of yearning within. Deep down I want it all to be real. For her and the child to be mine. My family.
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