Chapter 20-1

854 Words
20Yulia “It’s your fault, b***h. It’s all your fault.” Dimly, I’m aware that the words are strangely distant, but the terror still engulfs me, pressing down on me like a smothering blanket. I can feel him over me, and I scream, struggling to avoid the violation, the awful pain. “No, please, no!” “Shh, baby, it’s okay. You’re just having a bad dream.” Strong arms tighten around me, pressing me against a hard, warm body, and the suffocating terror eases, the cruel voices receding. Sobbing with relief, I try to turn, to face the person holding me, but something hard tugs at my left wrist. The handcuffs. “Lucas?” “Yeah, it’s me.” Warm lips brush my temple as a big hand smoothes back my hair. “I’ve got you. You’re all right now. You’re fine.” He’s got me. Something should worry me about that statement, but at this moment, all I’m aware of is its seductive comfort. Lucas’s powerful arms are around me, holding me, protecting me in the darkness, and the horror of the dream grows more distant, sinking back into the mire of the past. There’s no Kirill. There’s just Lucas, and nobody can take me away from him. “Baby, you’ve got to stop moving like that.” His voice is hoarse, strained, and I realize I’m rocking against him in an attempt to burrow even deeper into his embrace. In the process, my ass is shimmying against his groin—with a predictable result. The horror flickers distantly, the panic returning for a moment, and I try to turn again, to hide my face against his broad chest, but the handcuffs are in the way. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe.” There’s a tug and a quiet snick as the key turns, unlocking the cuffs. “You don’t have to be afraid. It’s okay.” It’s okay. The panic retreats, especially when I’m able to wrap my arms around Lucas’s muscular torso and inhale his familiar scent. He smells like his body wash and warm male skin, like safety, strength, and comfort. Burying my face in his chest, I throw my leg over his hip, wanting to wrap myself around him like a vine, and I hear him groan as his hard c**k presses into my belly. Something about that should worry me too, but with my mind still wrestling with the dream, I can’t figure out what. I just want him closer—as close as two people can possibly get. “f**k me,” I whisper, slipping one hand between our bodies to cup his tightly drawn balls. “Please, Lucas, f**k me.” “You…” His voice sounds strangled. “You want me?” “Yes, please, Lucas.” I know it’s pathetic to beg, but I need him. I need him to chase away the horror. “Please”—I grab his c**k and try to align it with my s*x—“please f**k me. Please.” “Yeah. Oh, f**k, yeah.” He sounds incredulous as he rolls on top of me, his hips settling between my open thighs. “Whatever you want, beautiful. Whatever you f*****g”—he thrusts in deep—“want.” We both groan when he’s seated to the hilt, his thickness stretching me to the limit. I’m not as wet as usual, but it doesn’t matter. The near-painful friction, the overwhelming force of his sudden entry—it’s exactly what I need. This is not about s*x or pleasure. It’s about being his. “Yulia…” His voice is a tortured groan as he begins to move inside me. “f**k, baby, you feel so amazing…” “Yes.” I wrap my legs around his muscular thighs, taking him even deeper. “Yes, just like that. Oh God, just like that.” He complies, his rhythm strong and steady, and I forget all about the initial discomfort. As he keeps thrusting, a wild heat ignites inside me, a need that’s purely animalistic. I want him to f**k me so hard it hurts, to make me come so much I’ll forget my own name. I want his savagery to destroy my demons. “Harder,” I whisper, sinking my nails into his back. “Take me harder.” He tenses, a shudder running through his big body, and I feel his c**k swelling even more. A low growl rumbles in his chest, and he picks up the pace, his muscled ass flexing under my calves as he jackhammers into me, each thrust so deep it almost cleaves me in two. It should be too much, too hard, but my body embraces him, the heat inside me blazing brighter with every bruising stroke. I can hear my own cries, feel the explosive pressure building, and all my fears evaporate, leaving nothing but scorching pleasure. “Lucas!” I don’t know if I scream his name, or if it’s only in my mind, but at that moment, he lets out a hoarse cry, and I feel him jetting into me as white-hot ecstasy rips through my nerve endings. The orgasm is so powerful my entire body arches upward and white flecks appear at the edges of my vision. It seems to go on forever, one pulsing spasm after another, but eventually, the waves of pleasure recede, and awareness slowly returns. Lucas is lying on top of me, his big body covered with sweat, but just as I register the heavy weight of his frame, he rolls off me, gathering me against him so that my head rests on his shoulder. We lie like that, both panting and too drained to move, and as my heartbeat begins to slow, the heavy lethargy of satiation steals over me. “Sleep tight, baby,” I hear him whisper as it pulls me under, and I close my eyes, knowing I’m safe. I belong to Lucas, and he’ll keep the bad dreams away.
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