Episode 7

1136 Words
Andrea's pov The day wasn't all that hectic since I stayed at home without getting worried about the Romano gang. I haven't had peace for quite a long time now because of the debt and what so not. I had been worried about the Romano gang taking me as a s*x slave until the masked stranger showed up. Don't know if I should be happy or relieved. Maybe stretch out with this a bit and see how it ends. I still can't figure out why he didn't want his face to be seen, perhaps he had a scar or was ugly. Why am I even thinking about it, his body, his rules. I just needed to stand by our rules and all of this would be over like it never started. I wonder why I mistook him for that hot stranger, he had such graced features, he wouldn't be hiding them under a mask for any reason. Evening came and I dressed up with skimpy skirts, lace heels and strapless tops. I wasn't stripping any longer but I had an agenda. I wanted to find him. I wanted to find the man that ignited so much spark in my body, one that I could not get over yet. Even though the masked stranger had so many similarities. “Are you done?” Kate asked and I nodded at her. “It's just to celebrate your win, girl…. At least you made it out alive!” Kate exclaimed, a teasing grin gracing her lips. “Stop it. It's not that much of a big deal” I murmured, shaking my head. It was still the same thing. My body was still in the transaction. “C'mon Andrea. It is! I mean you don't have to get sleepless nights or strip against your will” She reminded me, I didn't tell her of my predicament so maybe she doesn't get it. My mind is f*****g mess. “Yeah. Right” I muttered, wanting to switch the topic. “Let's go Kate” I said after Katelyn was giving me that weird look but I didn't budge. We got to the club and Kate didn't waste time to dive into the crowd, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music. She enjoyed having fun a lot. I sat at the bartender's side to take a few shots first, I need to get my mind straight. I had intentionally dragged her to this particular club I met that older stranger with the excuse of it being the most fabulous club I had been to. Well it was fabulous to me because of that night. I bit my lips, the memories of that night came flooding in and I found myself fluttering my eyes close in ecstasy. Didn't know why I felt the need to be touched by him. Someone suddenly tapped my shoulders and I shuddered, trailing back to reality. “Andrea?” The voice said and I spun around as my eyes caught with Fred! My teeth seethed in anger, mere staring at his face. “Why are you dressed like this Andrea and what are you doing at a club?!” He asked, exclaiming at the same time. I could detect the tinge of shock resonating in his words. Again, a lot has happened in the past week I broke up with Fred. I became a stripper, escaped the mafia gang and finally became a submissive for a stranger. I could understand if Fred was caught off guard. “It is none of your business” I gritted my teeth, shoving him off coldly. We are done, it's none of his concern and he shouldn't be interrogating me like we still had a thing going on. “It is my business, Andrea. I need to know how you changed so much in one week! You barely let me do anything with you but now your looks are all inviting. Did you perhaps become a w***e?” He asked and my hands vibrated in anger as I sent a slap across his cheeks. How dare he call me a w***e and besides if I became one, it shouldn't matter to him. It was none of his business. He should have known after cheating on me with a hot chick. Fred scoffed, unbothered about the slap. “So I'm right” He muttered, his tone screaming that he was disappointed. Even though I did something transactional with my body, he had no right to call me a w***e. “It is none of your business, Fred. We are no longer together. You made it clear” I turned my eyes away, not wanting to meet his gaze. “At least I deserve to know. We were once together and you did was shove me off. And now you open legs for anybody” He mentioned firmly, standing by his words. “You don't deserve anything Fred!” I cut him off sharply. I don't know what he was getting at. “I'm still in love with you, Andrea. I haven't had a good night's rest ever since we broke up. After what I ” “f*****g cut it out! Fred.” I growled, a taunting chuckle escaping my lips. “Andrea, you have been on my mind! I have been trying to!” Regardless of my stubborn response, Fred still found his way to retort my words. “Liar!” I yelled. My voice is squirming in frustration. What?! Love? I must have appeared like a pushover to Fred for him to see me and start preaching about how he loved me. He abandoned me when I needed him the most. No text, no call. Was it because I appeared sexy at the club? “Andrea…” “f**k off!” I spat, roughly dabbing his shoulders as I walked off. Even though the music blaring in the club was overpowering my voice. I made sure to sound loud enough. I walked into the restroom in anger. There wasn't anyone there since everyone was busy swaying their hips at the dance floor. I switched on the tap to wash my face. I was so pissed off at what Fred had to say. Calling me a w***e wasn't enough, he dared to mock me by talking about love. I breathed heavily and stared at the mirror. With a rough shake of my head, I fetched my lipgloss and reapplied them. I wouldn't let Fred spoil my agenda. I had never been so intrigued by someone. I found myself doing strange things I wouldn't do for anyone! Imagine lurking around a club all dressed in a sexy outfit to get his attention right away! That moment someone stepped in, shutting the doors, the sound of the footsteps echoing through the silence.
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