Episode 6

1030 Words
Andrea's pov. I apologised, I must have pissed him off, judging from the way he reacted and the tone of his voice. I keep relating every little thing to the stranger from that night and this wasn't good in any way. I was being delusional, yes. It wasn't possible it would be him besides why would he come after me and make me his submissive. Why would he pay off my debt? And why would he even lie? It wasn't possible, it was just a fling for that stranger and I knew it. It was the first time I felt that way for someone, maybe that's why I can't get him out of my mind. “I'm going to untie your eyes now” His voice cut me out of my thoughts. He untied my eyes and hands and I heaved a sigh. I was imagining him as the hot stranger from that night so it was easier to tolerate him and I didn't feel disgusted. Who knew I would end up being a submissive to a masked stranger just to avoid being taken by the Romano gang. I still can't figure out how they were able to realize I wanted to flee. It is as if they were studying my moves. “Thank you…..” I murmured in a sultry voice. I shouldn't be thanking him, we made a transaction. But he still saved me anyways. If he hadn't shown up. I wouldn't have had options. A smirk graced his lips. “I'm leaving. dress up, naughty thing.” He ordered without reacting to my gratefulness. He acted like a brat. “Whatever” I murmured under my breath. He was already close to the door, before he stepped out, he turned to me. “Remember my rules and keep the. Don't think of doing anything rash” He warned sternly before leaving. I arched my brows in confusion. I don't know if this was a good decision but I didn't just have any choice. I stood up from the bed and wore my clothes. I had to head home. I'm sure Kate must have also gone. It was around 10pm already. Getting into the cab, flashes of the s*x and pleasure the masked man gave me had me curling up my toes that I didn't realize I had reached my mini home. “Ma'am, we are here” The Cab driver muttered as I jerked out of my thoughts. “Thank you” I quickly handed him the cash and made my way out the cab. I guess the mission to escape had been aborted, now I'm just a submissive for a man I know nothing about. I sauntered to the bathroom and took my shower, shortly after that I drifted off to sleep. But guess what, I had dreams of that stranger and was dying so bad to meet him again. I would quit my stripping job,the little money I made from it could sustain me till I get a better job. “Andrea!” I heard Kate's loud voice jerking me up from sleep. She had come as early as 6'o clock. I took a look at the window to see her standing there. “Open the door!” She ordered. I bet she was dying to know what happened and how I escaped the Romano gang. I closed the curtains and went to the front door. My tiny house with two rooms and a living room joined with a kitchen. But one could still talk with you from the window. I opened the door for Kate as she stepped in. “I was so worried about you?! What happened?!” She exclamied, her eyes looking for answers. I bet she had thousands of questions to ask me. “Kate…..” I called out weakly. I still needed some rest, my body was pale from the stress yesterday. I started moving the couch to settle down and Kate followed. I heaved a sigh. “What happened girlll?.....” She asked again. I felt so embarrassed to tell Kate I entered a deal with a stranger just to escape the mafia gang. We were best friends that trusted each other so well but I didn't feel the need to let her know. The terms, the conditions. Everything was just embarrassing, I'm better off keeping it to myself. “I pleaded with the Romano gang so they let me go” I lied, hoping she would buy that. “Liar. You have been pleading with them for weeks!” She cut in sharply. Kate knew me very well. How I wish I could just divert this topic. This is definitely not something to be proud of. “Okay fine. Some random masked stranger paid off my debts” I stated as she arched her brows at me. “He just paid off ten million dollars?” She inquired, her voice squirming with disbelief. “Not really, we did some stuff” I admitted, trying not to go into details. At least it's not a lie and it's believable. We did have s*x but it wouldn't be just once. “See, I told you solution will come. I'm so glad the Romano gang didn't take my best friend!” She said excitedly and pulled me in her embrace. It is better off this way. I just have to keep this whole s**t to myself. Yess, he paid off my debts but I would be paying with my body for a while or at least when I see a better solution, I would withdraw from it. “So you are stopping stripping?” She asked after pulling away from me and I nodded. “I don't have a reason to continue” I answered genuinely. “But you have to come clubbing with me today! Let's celebrate victory.” Kate proposed and I gave her an eye roll. “What do you say?”She asked with eagerness. “Fine” I murmured in defeat. Maybe I should go with Kate. I still need to find that stranger. I don't know why but I want to see him so badly.
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