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“Please, save my grandmother” Anna cried “Calm down, Anna, stop crying so I can hear you properly” “My grandmother is in danger. She needs an urgent surgery and I don't have the money for it. Please help me. I'm ready to marry you” “Where are you? Let us talk” “I'm still in the hospital” “Which hospital?” He asked “Zenith Hospital” She replied “Okay. Don't bother coming outside. I will meet you inside. Just tell me the room number” She didn't want to argue with him when he was just being nice and she was exhausted. She told him the room number and went on to stay by her grandmother's side. She didn't know she dozed off until she jumped up when Ryan entered with a bunch of flowers. “Thank you for coming” She yawned and collected the flowers from him “Why did you buy so many flowers?” “I don't know what your grandmother likes so I thought it was best to buy a bit of everything” “That's very sweet of you, thank you” “No problem, shall we talk outside?” “Yes, let me just arrange these” “I'll be waiting inside the cafe opposite the hospital” “I'll meet you there” After Ryan left, Anna gripped her grandmother's finger to remind herself that she was doing this for her and her only. She took a deep breath in before going to meet Ryan. “Do you want to order anything?” Ryan asked when Anna joined him. “Yes, please” The cafe was surprisingly quiet, since it was on a bustling street. Ryan signaled for the waitress to come. “What would you like to order?” “Black coffee for me and for the lady…” he trailed off, wanting Anna to order for herself “Cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake” She smiled gratefully at Ryan. “Your order will be ready shortly” True to her words, their orders were ready minutes later. “Let us get straight to the point. How much do you need for your grandmother's surgery?” “3 million dollars” She said, in a low voice. “Why didn't you come to me immediately?” “I…we're not that close. This is the third time I'm seeing you and the first two times weren't really favorable so…” “If you had asked me to loan you the money even without the marriage factor, I would have but since this is something I actually need to see through for the sake of my daughter. I'm sorry it has to be this way” Anna was touched by his confession. As a girl that grew up without biological parents, it moved her to see a father go such lengths for his little girl. “NO, it's fine” She said “Even though I don't like the circumstances, I'm glad I'm going to be part of Adele's life. Thank you” “Thank you, too.“ “You're welcome” “Your grandmother's surgery can be scheduled for tomorrow. I'll have my lawyer draw up a contract if you want” “I would like that, please” “Make sure you go through it thoroughly before returning it to me or better still, I'll come by tomorrow night so we can talk about the ones you want to change” “That's better. Thank you” “I don't want to disturb your grandmother so I'll come check on her later” “I'll be sure to convey your greetings to her. Thank you for coming, again” “You're welcome. Good night, Anna” “Good night, Ryan” The next day couldn't come by quickly for Anna. She wanted to sign the contract and get it done with. Her Grandmother's health was more important. Her classes today were extremely slow and uneventful until she jammed Bella. “Hi there, Anna” Bella smiled sweetly but her eyes was the opposite. “Hi, hello” “Remember me?” “Yes of course, I do” “Who was that young man from the other day?” “I don't know” Bella landed a slap on her face then dragged her to the restroom. “Think carefully before you answer me this time. Who was he and why did he save your pathetic self?” “I swear, I don't know” She tried to get out of Bella's hold. “You don't know?” Another slap “Or you won't tell me? Huh! It’s a pity I couldn’t see his face well” “Please, believe me” “Who would believe a street rat like you?” “I really don't know. Why are you doing this to me?” She screamed. “How dare you yell at me? You're growing wings, huh? You want to fight back? Is it that boy? Did he tell you to stand up for yourself? Is he a student of this school? I will find him and ruin both of you” She threatened before storming off. Anna broke down crying. She was ready to sit in the restroom like that till the end of the school day. The door opened and Amelia entered. She found Anna crying. “Babe, what happened to you?” “How did you know I was here?” Anna queried, cleaning her eyes. “I saw Bella leaving and you weren't in your seat. I decided to see if it was you she was with. I was right. What did she want this time?” “I don't want to talk about it?” “Did she slap you?” There was a visible handprint on her cheek. “No. I ran into the door” “Do you really expect me to believe that?” “Yes. Now, drop it” Anna snapped at her best friend. “Whoa. Save that attitude for Bella and her gang. Maybe you'd stop getting bullied then” Tears welled up in Anna's eyes. She didn't expect Amelia to say something like that. “I'm sorry, Anna, that was a mean thing to say. It's just that you've been keeping things from me and avoiding me in school. You still didn't tell me how you were able to escape Bella that night” Amelia tried to defend herself. “Aren't you just glad I escaped? Why do you want to know how?” She said quietly, leaving Amelia speechless. “I have a class now, see you later, Amy” Anna decided to skip school for the rest of the day and stay with her grandmother until it was time for her surgery. “Hi, Grandmother, how are you feeling today?” “Sunshine, how come you're back from school?” “I took permission from the principal since you'll be having your surgery in the evening” “How were you able to pay for the surgery?” “Nothing illegal, I promise, Grandma” “Thank you” She said, tearfully “Grandmother, if you cry, I'll cry too” “Ok, baby, I'll stop. By the way, a young man left a document for you to go through from a Mr. Miller” “Oh, Where is it?” “I told him to drop it in that drawer. What is it about?” “Nothing you need to worry about, Grandmother” “Ok, sunshine, just be careful” “Always” It was a two page contract. One for her, and the other was for Ryan. The terms and conditions were pretty straightforward. *Anna Bliss was being paid 3 million dollars in exchange for being his daughter's mother. *Anna Bliss was to return to the Miller's mansion after school everyday. *Anna Bliss would be wed to Ryan Miller in a simple affair at the court. *Anna Bliss was free to ask for divorce whenever she wants. *In the case that the above happens, Anna Bliss was not liable to any settlement after divorce unless freely given. *Anna Bliss can move any of her family members into the mansion. *Anna Bliss' first responsibility is to Adele Miller. *Anna Bliss can not disclose the details of this marriage to an outsider. There was nothing to dispute or contest in the contract, so she signed it. This way, her grandmother would be properly cared for after her surgery. That night, Ryan came while she was waiting for news from her Grandmother's doctor. The surgery was successful but they still had to monitor her recovery. “How is she doing now?” Ryan sat beside her in the waiting room. “I can't see her yet” “Oh. You probably won't be able to see her until tomorrow” “Really?” “Yeah, these things take time. It doesn't make sense for you to wait. You have school tomorrow, right?” “Yes” “You can sleep in the mansion tonight and I can arrange for her to be in the mansion before you return from school tomorrow” “Really? You'd do that?” “Of course, it's not a problem” “Thank you. When are we going to court?” “We can go after you come back from school tomorrow” “That works for me” It was late at night when they returned to the mansion. He showed her where she'd be passing the night. He promised that her own room would be ready before tomorrow. The next morning, it was Adele that woke her up. Ryan already informed her of Anna’s approval and this lightened up her mood. “Good morning, mommy” So adorable. “Good morning, Cherub” “I thought Daddy was lying” “He wasn't” “I want to go to school” “I'll get you ready soon” “Yes, mommy” She didn't mind starting her day like this. She sighed in bliss. Life was getting better. Her optimistic spirit carried her through the day. Her classes were interesting. She managed to avoid Bella and Amelia. She was looking forward to seeing her grandmother in good health. Her steps quickened when a hand clamped down on her mouth. She screamed but it was muffled. She saw that she was being dragged to the same alley that Ryan rescued her from. “I'm going to make this quick today. I can't risk your prince coming to rescue you today” It was Bella again, of course it was Bella. The girl hated her for no reason. “Bella, please” “There's no need to beg” “Why do you hate me so much?” “Simple. I hate trash and it's up to me to take it out” “Boys, over to you” Four boys she didn't recognize descended on her. They were all hooded. They beat and kick her for almost ten minutes but it seemed like eternity to her. “Let her go, boys. I think she gets the point now” They left her in the alley uncaring of what happened to her. Anna finally got the strength to get herself to the mansion. “Hey, where have you been?” Ryan questioned immediately she stepped foot into the living room, not noticing her yet since she didn't step in the light. “I'm sorry I'm late” She croaked. “What happened to you?” He finally saw her bruised body “Who did this to you?” “Bella” “The same girl from the alley?” She could only nod. “I'm sorry. Let me take you to your room. I don't think you should see your grandmother in this condition” “I won't” “I'll send maids up to give you a massage. I'll call the doctor too” “It's fine. Just the maids will do” “Ok” After making sure she was settled in. He took his phone and dialed a number. “Hello! Get me enrolled at Royals High School by tomorrow” he commanded when the call connected.
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