Vampire’s past part 1

536 Words

In the eerie twilight of the magic lands , nestled amidst towering mountains and dense forests, lay the ancient castle of Herion in the southern lands of magic lands , a vampire of unmatched power and age. For centuries, the count had ruled over his domain with an iron will and insatiable thirst for blood. Only the mage Grielle was a worthy foe of a delight chivalry. Legend whispered of the count's origins, shrouded in mystery and darkness. Some claimed he was once a nobleman, cursed by a vengeful witch for his sins against the innocent. Others whispered that he was born of the night itself, a creature spawned from the depths of hell to walk among mortals. As the years passed, Count Dracul's castle became a place of dread and despair, its halls echoing with the screams of his victims and

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