Vampire's past part 2

1134 Words

Lady Rose Evalina listened to the Count’s story as she saw in her dream. It was if as the power of the magic lands had risen and bestowed a gift to her that would make her see past that she never knew about the count and the magic lands. She had known about Grielle and now about the Count’s preliminary romance tales. “ You rose for three centuries and then vanished in thin air for a woman who opposes you?” “She isn’t just a woman yet a beauty in godly form who has taken my soul, preacher.” “Brielle isn’t it? Yet why is it so that you can’t forget her.” “You couldn’t have known my past only by knowing we were in love, preacher.” “No, Senor Count. The people here in heroin. They are pressuring me to uncover the mishap that happened after you died.” “I am a Vampire. I do die every 100 y

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