The North

1116 Words
Legaxy “Freedom, huh? Everybody wants that. But, you and I both know that in this world full of myths and magic, not all could obtain such a thing that easily.” Ms. Dawn said, breaking the stillness that covered the office. “Let alone, have it for free. Ironic, right? Freedom... the only thing that is not for 'free',” she added. I didn't say anything; I was baffled by the thought she had described. ..... Noticing my confusion, I heard Ms. Dawn let out a soft sigh. “Okay, so that fun Rain was talking about,” she said, quickly changing the subject, “Do you ever think about that? You know, going out and just be young, dumb, and somewhat, free?” I snorted; Seth's red eyes flashed inside my brain. “I'm good, Boss. Don't worry about it.” I assured her with no intention of peeking in her direction. “Pity… Must be a strict world for you,” she sounded a little close now. "Well, what did you expect Boss from an only daughter of the family?" "You know by now that I am the only daughter of my family as well, Dyme..." Ms. Dawn could not help but mumble. "Well, at least you don't have three watchful brothers like mine, Boss... you could do whatever you want." "That's not true. Too much free time could be toxic too... Besides, that right there is already a blessing, sweetheart. Enjoy it while it still last." I only shrugged my shoulders, realizing how naive my Boss was when it comes to having siblings — especially siblings like mine. I then dismissed her remark and tried to concentrate fully on the job. Keyword: TRIED... Thanks to Ms. Dawn continued babbling. I heard her sigh once again, and this time in a dramatic manner. — Also noted the sound of a chair being dragged at the second; she really wants to talk, huh? “You know, I see myself on you 20-plus years from now. Being that gorgeous 45 yet, still SINGLE and STILL WORKING, and eventually, ALONE.” She emphasized each word so dramatically, that I compare her to a soap opera actress; all the tone and gestures she made just to get her point... However, instead of ‘tagging along’ with her usual teasing, I found myself frozen in my seat. Wait, Single? But Harry said… And I thought… “What's wrong, Dyme?” Ms. Dawn, identifying my sudden turmoil, hastily inquired and I heard a glass cup being placed on a desk. I dragged my gaze up and halted when I found her bewildered face, with a hint of worry, looking straight at me. “Single?” I absentmindedly spit the word out of my still mouth. She didn't understand it at first and instead of questioning it with me, she simply eyed me — a bit dumbfounded at the second. “Is that a mock or a question, Legaxy?” She finally voices out, raising an eyebrow at me. “Confirmation,” I plainly replied, my eyes intently scanning her perplexed face. For some reason, and as quick as she was, she got what I meant. Her eyes slowly widened in realization and then, at that second, instead of being mad and throwing a denial at me, Ms. Dawn looked more… embarrassed. “Let me guess, Harry told you?” She gave me a sheepish look as she straightened herself up in her seat. I nodded, my initial shock slowly fading. “Only a hint” — I wrinkled my nose, recalling the chat — “since he advised me it's better to ask you for the details — if you grant me any, rather than getting it from him... You know, out of pure respect.” Hearing this, Ms. Dawn flashed a warm smile. “Harry and his Beta ways.” She murmured as she shook her head out of amusement. Her eyes then shifted from me to the ceiling-to-floor glass windows, looking out at the garden scenery; her eyes were, once again, distant while her face was blank — as if reliving a memory. As for me, I was momentarily stunned. “Beta? Like a second in command on a werewolf pack?” I inquired, sounding shocked and confused. “Yes, that kind of Beta.” She responded softly and her eyes move back to stare at me, “Harry was my mates' Beta —” “Your mate was an Alpha!” I exclaimed while shooting up from my seat. Unfazed by my reaction, Ms. Dawn simply nodded her head. “Yes, and it's MATES… as in, plural,” she revised, a light blush appearing on her creamy white cheeks. Obviously, by now, I'm too shocked to even react to anything. I didn't even bother to scrutinize the pink hue on Ms. Dawn's cheeks and make fun of it because my mind was somewhere else — registering an unexpected and surprising declaration. So that's why Harry did not tell me. He knew that when he spilled the tea, I will get awfully giddy and, strangely, be excited. — Which by the way, I am expressing right now. Though, because of too much excitement flowing inside my veins, my mind's gears were turning way too fast for my liking. It even made all the queries that I wanted to ask, scrambled up inside my brain; I basically couldn't get a single question out of my mouth due to the excitement. “Close your mouth, Dyme. You look like a fish out of the water. And please do sit down, you look like you're about to faint.” Ms. Dawn pointed out sternly. I quickly did as instructed and slowly sat back down on my black office armchair, certainly embarrassed at the moment. Still intrigued by the declaration, I started gawking at her. As if sensing my strong need to converse, Ms. Dawn shot me a pleasant smile and made me move to sit by her side — which I did; two stacks of paperwork had already been forgotten. Finally, she spoke. “I'm not gonna lie, but the twins were the most powerful men I have ever met. That's maybe the reason why they were always targeted for their position and territory. It doesn't help the fact that they are the Alphas of the North. They are known to be — ” “The North?” I repeated in a mumble, interrupting the boss's talking. “Isn't that the area where the dangerous Black Rock pack is... Waaaaaaait a minute, you were saying” — I squinted my eyes at her — “that's them, isn't it?”
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