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Legaxy Not knowing where Rain was going with this talk, I kept eyeing her. — She only smirks at me. “I gotta give it to your family, Dyme. They sure are serious when it comes to protecting their one and only gem. Sure, very precious move,” She chatters again. “Though, I gotta remind you, b***h, that pretty body of yours can't pleasure itself. It needs a man's magic touch... Like a freaking SEXY, tall, SEXY, muscular — not forget SEXY, handsome kind of a man...” She chanted enthusiastically. “You're really into SEXY men, aren't you?” I teased, earning a glare from her. “DO NOT pin the hot subject on me, Legaxy Dyme, and for the love of moratorium, answer my damn question will ya?” I chuckled for a while and perceiving that this would be a very serious subject, I let out another heavy sigh. “Well, what did you expect? And since the strict parents and overprotective brothers are already out of the bag, let's get to the real focal point then,” I started nonchalantly while straightening myself up on my armchair. “For the record, I don't like being placed UNDER the society by men, Rain. I prefer to be treated as an EQUAL. However, men nowadays only recognize women as inferior; Sitting pretty, weak, a trophy wife — that kind of stuff, which is upsetting. They thought women are so easy, that they could always get what they want from them. I mean, seriously? That's so low of them to even believe that stuff.” I paused to grimace. Rain raised an eyebrow at me, quite amused, while a ghost of a smirk was playing on her lips. I deadpanned her. “I know what you're thinking. I'm too difficult to handle, right? Don't worry, I already knew that. Both human and supernatural suitors already told me about that.” “Though, honestly, I don't care about what they say anymore. I just like to challenge men; to infuriate them. Sure it's kind of wicked but what's so wrong with that? I mean, it's my way to see how far they are willing to go just to have me. And I needed to know if they would continue to pursue me, even if I was pushing them to their limit, breaking them piece by piece... Yeah, I know, I sounded so evil.” I declared, frowning. Rain only snorted. “No, you're not... You just sounded like a rebel bitch.” She commented, a real smirk plastered on her pretty face now. “You just get to act as badass as ever, but deep down, you're actually one of the good ones, Legx. The purest and truest among all souls and hearts I have ever known or seen... A rare quality for a human actually. A very rare quality and you have it...” She added, almost looking astounded by me. Rendered speechless by her statement, I could only shrug my shoulders at her. Rain uttered something else after; I think it was mostly to herself now, as a small smile appeared on her heart-shaped face. “Did you say something Rain?” “Nothin' b***h,” she smiled innocently at me before standing up from her seat, and eyed me for the last time. “So, back to the real question. Do you still want to go out or not?” I took a moment to consider, but still, in the end, I said NO. This time, and thankfully, Rain didn't push harder and just left. As she walked out of the office, I finally got to register how she looks in her full casual outfit. She's on tight black jeans and I don't know if it was a mocha sports b*a or just a bralette I'm seeing, but it showed a lot of skin and I guess, a full view of her cleavage and some abs too. — Yup, too sexy alright. And well, that's definitely Rain for you. It's normal and I've practically seen her in so many revealing clothes already. Though, knowing that she was a witch, kinda made me wonder if her ways of clothing were accepted by her kind... When you look at the witches' style, they somehow looked so formal; wearing long skirts or dresses, long sleeves or sweatshirts, and some long scarfs to hide half of their faces. — That's how my Mum used to dress, not until she discovered blouses, pants, and long sweeping skirts... But with Rain, I know there's more to her story; a more justifiable reason behind the sexy clothes. As mentioned before, the war decreased the vampires and witches' population, to the extent that they almost got extinct. So when coexistence became part of the law, everyone changed their ways, including their style of clothing. Vampires adjusted to that change very well, looking very sharp in suits and relaxed in comfy clothing. They look simple yet breathtaking; could attract a crowd without even trying — based on my experience with my god-like brothers. While the witches, they kept the FEAR — especially women. That's why they decided to hide either their scent by a spell or identity by wearing clothes that cover 70 to 80% of their cursed body — they have weird symbols etched to their skins, some were burned and some were carved there; that's how we know they were witches. However, with Rain, the fear didn't stop her. She made it clear that she wanted to look STRONG and BOLD to the public as much as possible. Regardless of the attention, and as far as my observation is concerned, I rather use the word FREE for her. — I mean, she did tell me once how she wanted to free herself from the fear, which her kind embedded unto her mind. Fear weakens their confidence and most especially their magic. So when Rain found herself wearing less to express more, made her POWERFUL, very confident of course, and brave. That's when I realized how significant, ordinary things are for the supernatural... Like in the human world, fashion is just a trend that is taken for granted. But here, in the magical world, fashion gave off power. Well, for Rain, that's how it works... — Hopefully, someday, some of her kind can find that sense of freedom as well... Yet, with so much freedom she had already experienced, sometimes Rain becomes overconfident — making her a little wicked, especially with men. With that, a memory of her in a guy's lap — grinding, played in my brain making me blush furiously. Oh, dear Goddess, I did not just remember that! I facepalm myself… Where is the delete button in the brain when you needed one? Cursing myself and the recollection, I just shook my head; trying to get the memory out of my brain. Then, I massaged my temples gently before proceeding with the paperwork — being very ambitious now that I could down the stack to one, within the next couple of hours. Yeah, I could do this... — If it weren't for this disruption… And no, it's not because of Seth or Rain this time.
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