
833 Words

Eternal POV The audacity of it, the absolute audacity of it . I don’t even know why I care so much. Let me tell you after watching him Let another woman touch him whilst in My Home at contest to win my hand in marriage. Is he ridiculous? Is he unhinged. it says all I need to know the type of man that he is, he will never be a husband to me. he might as well leave the games now because I’m done with him. I slammed his bedroom door. “ are you okay Eternal” Daxleigh asked quietly. “ yes why wouldn’t I be, if he wants to have other people, that’s completely up to him I’m unsure why even turn up to these games and wanted to be invited” I sigh, what an i***t I am, thinking he might actually be here for me. “Maybe it’s a mistake” Daxleigh try’s to cover for him. “Daxleigh don’t be rid

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