898 Words

Eternal pov I wake up alone, no Dante in sight. I think about last nights activities and panic immediately, we broke the rules. Unprotected s*x is a big no-no. Shit, can I get pregnant. Can a demon get a woman pregnant. I need to ask him today. Gods it’s another games today, which tells me I have about 10 minutes before my mother forced her way in to pull and prod me to Queen like perfection. Today I’m going to just ignore both Dante and arillius till I get my own s**t together, I can’t keep flirting back and forth between the men. It’s not fair and I’m just being a slut. Maybe the lovely fae prince will chat to me, I’m so intrigued in how his magic is different to mine. Right on time my mother bursts in on my peace and quiet with five or six different maids. “Etern

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