1002 Words

Dante POV. I’m left dumb founded in her bath. This little goddess used my power, harnessed it like it was her own. Being a Demi god has risks so we protect our magic so mortals are unable to harness it, otherwise terrifying events would occur and death would surely follow. So to protect my magic and my power, if any one try’s to draw from it, it would feel like burning and almost like lava. It’s truly untouchable and the pain is horrific. I’ve seen dark witches and wizards try and harness it and it kills them in the end but this little goddess in front of me harnessed it like it was hers to start with. My powers flowed within her, and I won’t lie it was incredible sexy seeing my mate look and feel so powerful. She was always meant to be mine, I’m sick to death of these silly

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