11| Meeting the Carlo’s 2

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Kayla A moment of silence fell in the room with only the sound coming from the ceiling fan. Alexander stared at me and I stare back. We stood in that position for what felt like two minutes. He was obviously checking me out. I could feel it. I could feel the gaze intently on me. It was the clearing of voice that brought us back from our thinking. Alexander was the first to speak up. His voice coming out husky than it normally is. "Em.. Are you done?" He asked. I wanted to say can't your eyes see but chose to let it go. I only nodded. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the smiling face of Claire. I would have to deal with her. "Okay. Shall we?" He ushered again. And I trekked slowly to the door. Thank goodness the shoe I wore was a low heel. I would've ended up with a pained leg. Because I'm not comfortable with heels. "See you later Kay. All the best" I don't know if I'm supposed to feel encouraged by her words or anger. It doesn't looks to me that she's encouraging me rather provoking me. The door was lightly shut begin me. And all of a sudden, a sense of weakness overcome me. Now I'm left alone with Alexander. How will his family react? I decided to ask the question that has been bugging me. "I have a question to ask?" I commenced. He slightly spare me a glance. "What do you want to ask?" "It's about your family. Do they know that we did a marriage contract?" His brows raised at my question. I don't see any problem in what I asked. "I'm only asking so that I will know how to tackle the situation. You know, how I will use my choice of words" I added seeing the questioning look on his face. "They didn't know that we got married based on contract" "Why?" I found myself asking almost immediately. "I mean if they knew that it wasn't a contract thing, then why didn't any wedding take place. It's not like I'm asking for a wedding, I'm only asking" I corrected. He should not get the wrong idea. "That would be a discussion for another day. For now just act normal" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Like I'm not acting normal. He'd see the normal side of me. Just the mere thought brought a smile to my face. I didn't take notice of our journey until we arrived at a black door. Alexander turned to me. I don't know if I was mistaken, yet, I should something flicker in his eyes. Something like nervousness. But why? My inner mind asked. My brows creased in confusion as I stared at his outsretched hands back to his face. "Shall we?" He ushered. I slowly placed my hands into his outstretched ones. No missing a small shiver that ran down my spine. I heaved out a small sigh from the back of my throat as we set our foots on the marble tiled floor. My legs almost gave in when a pairs of different eyes settled on us. I was literally attacked by stares. Unknowingly, I tightened my hold on Alexander's hand feeling consciously nervous. What I didn't expect was to how he intertwined our hands in a tight hold. I instantly snapped my hands towards him and the only thing he did was raise one of his brows. "Welcome Alexander" A woman said while the rest only kept a neutral face. Why the thick aura. We trekked our way towards them. "Good day Grandfather" Alexander started with a calm expression. The man in talk spared him a small glance then his eyes shifted to me. The nervousness that once subsided reappear again. Not for anything but by the look I was receiving from them especially the one Alexander called Grandfather who kept his eyes on me. "This is Kayla, my wife" If not because we were standing in front of his family members, I would have rolled my eyes. However, I stood calmly. "Good Evening" Was what I said because I don't know who to greet and who not to. "Good Evening Kayla" The lady who spoke the first time said again. "Have a seat" She added adjusting the empty chair beside him. I turned to Alexander and he only smile. I unhurriedly took a seat careful not to step on the extra large Tablecloth. "You sure have a good taste" I heard a voice said. I lifted my face to a man. I don't know why but I felt some kind of bad aura as I look at him. "Ofcourse. You know me already. Alex has a good taste in everything" I don't know if that was supposed to be a compliment or only for show. "I dare not to forget about it. You don't take leftovers" The man replied again. And clearing of voice follows. "As you can see we have a guest here and on top of that we are eating. So I would like you to respect your food" And silence prevailed. I have no idea how they would be able to finish the food in front of them. Some are barely touched. The only thing that could be heard is that of the chattering of spoons and fork. Every now and then I would glance at the old man, he was immersed into his food. I could only eat a little not because I wasn't hungry but because I'm not comfortable around them. After we're done eating, some people in uniform, gathered the plates and took them away. Another silence fell again. Maybe each with the thought in his or her mind. "So Kayla, tell me about yourself" The old man commenced catching me off-guard. Okay time for interrogation. I just hope Alexander didn't tell them a different story about me. Because I'm not going to lie about myself. "I will start by name. My name is Kayla Parker. I live with my father in Hudson town. My father owns a restaurant while my mom passed away three months ago" I ended forming my lips into a thin line. "Sorry for the loss" He said. "Thank you" "I won't say much. Welcome to the family" He ushered again rising to a standing position. "I hope you'll take care of this naughty boy for me" The way he said it made a small smile escaped me. "Alright Sir. I will" I watched as he walked away. The other two men following him. "Now your heart will be at ease since-" "Save it Danny" Alexander voice almost went sharp. It's not been long that I arrived and I don't know them that well, yet, I felt like there's something between them. They don't look friendly towards each other. "Whatever. You won't get away with whatever you are planning" He said despite the look Alexander was giving him. I didn't miss the hiss that resonate out of his mouth as he stood up, the other woman following his action. She spare me a dirty. A look of distaste. And they left tailing behind each other. We were left three at the dining. The other lady who looks friendly tapped me on the shoulder. "I haven't introduced myself. I'm Annie, Alexander's sister. Elder sister at that" She proudly said. Alexander passed her a glare. "Must you make is so obvious. It's not like I'm going to take the right from you" "Who knows. Now you're married responsibilities will return to your wife and your future kids" I choked at the water I was gulping. Annie was quick to my aid. "Are you okay? Take it easy" Alexander wiped his mouth with the small napkin. It can't be he's just finishing his food at the moment. "Enough with your rambling. We're leaving" "Why? I thought she's staying. Her room is already settled for her" I was left staring at the woman in front of me. My room? It sound too good to be true to me. "We haven't discuss on her moving in today" "Why didn't you. Were you not the one who assigned the housekeepers to arrange the room" Now it was my turn to speak up. "It's okay Annie, I can move in tomorrow. Besides I have nothing with me now. I can just move into my inlaws house empty handed" She doesn't look that convinced. How can someone be this free at first meeting? "Alright then. I will be expecting you tomorrow and make sure you don't come late" I smile in return. She sounded like Claire. Talking of Claire, the girl must be cussing at me. I have totally forgotten about her. The more reason why I need to go home. I can't leave my best friend all alone with notice. "Goodnight. See you tomorrow" What I didn't expect is to receive a hug from her. As soon as we set out foots outside the door, I realised out a deep breath. "That was quick an acting back there" Alexander's voice revamped to my ears. I rolled my eyes. "That wasn't an act. Like I said, I would be myself and I did exactly that. You have nothing to worry yourself about" "I have to be worried. Anything can go wrong" "And by anything what do you mean?" I asked suddenly getting curious. However, he didn't answer and walk away. "My driver will drop you off home. I will call you tomorrow for the moving" And he walked away not caring whether I heard him or not. I let out an annoyed laugh. "This man must be joking with me. He has no idea what I'm planning for him" Like I predicted, Claire bombarded me with death glares as we met up to go home. "Why the look? Did I do something wrong?" I asked playing dumb. "No you did not. You did something right" She sarcastically said passing me another glare. "Whatever. I didn't know the family dinner will take that much time. Why are you getting angry over this little thing when I have an interesting story to share with you" Her frown was immediately replaced with a smile. "Really? Did the family members like you at first sight? Did they many question? How was his mother like? And does she looks friendly?" To shut her up. I plopped a gum inside her mouth. "What was that?" "You need to calm down. I will tell you everything when we reached home. Don't forget we're still within the premises" She glance around the surrounding. "Where is Alexander?" I first of all rolled my eyes before giving her an answer. "He left that his driver will take us and that he'd call me for the moving tomorrow. Like I will listen to him" "So that means you're moving in officially" "Yes. You can say that"
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