20| Milk cake

1602 Words

Kayla His eyes lingers on me for what could be labeled as two seconds. I wonder what's on his mind. I hope whatever he's going to say won't be one of his unnecessary plans about his family matters. Because I'm not ready to succumb to any of his family traditions. “Okay...” He commenced stopping to take in a sharp breath. “There are some important things I want to clarify with you” “Okay” I answered almost immediately getting more impatient. “I take that you know what a personal assistant mean right?” He asked. What's with the man? I nodded my head instead. “Good. You know that you'll be around me twenty four hours everyday. Follow me on trips, manage my schedule and what not” What bring all the explanation. “Yes I know. I know everything” I sarcastically ushered. “Not only t

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