19| Early bird

1604 Words

Kayla I woke up today feeling somehow. One moment, I will feel nausea and another moment I will feel okay. I have no idea why it's happening. And my monthly period is in the next two days. I labeled it as maybe because of the shopping we did last night. I managed to walk myself to the bathroom and took a hot shower. Maybe it will help to calm my nerves and it worked a bit. Though not all. I was still feeling weird at the pit of my stomach. I didn't waste time in dressing up for work. After last night event with Alexander, I came to a decision to try my utmost best in doing my job. However, my plan to make his life miserable is still intact. I will execute it whenever I get the chance. Making sure everything is settled inside my bag, I made a walk out of the room. The door making a sil

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