14| The new job

1703 Words

Kayla To say I was overjoy would be an understatement. I was literally anticipating to see myself in the office. My personal office. Just the mere thought of that brought a smile out of my face. I have forgotten that we were having breakfast with the whole family. My smile vanishes immediately when I realized what I was doing. Honestly and truthfully, I have to admit that, I don't enjoy the whole family gathering at the dining area to eat. I'm not used to traditions like this. It's always us three. Me, Mom and Dad. “I hope all is well Kayla?” Danny asked with his voice dripping with some unknown aura. I always knew he has a problem. Judging by their small argument the other night. I forced out a smile. “Yes I am” I ushered reaching for the fresh baked croissant and took a bite of it.

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