13| A day to remember

1700 Words

Kayla We made our way together with Annie towards the dining area. All eyes were on me which began making my palms sweaty. Mr. Carlo spared me a glance then cleared out his voice. While the others were literally minding their business. Most especially the guy who had a small argument with Alexander the other day only threw a look at me. Like I care. "I would like to say a few words before we start eating" Mr. Carlo commenced. Attention was now focused on him. Everyone waiting for what he has to say. From the corner of my eyes, I caught of glimpse of Alexander eyes on me. I know what must be going on in that head of his. I can't wait for what he'd say after the dinner. "I'm pleased and honoured to see the family all in full swing. This is exactly what I wanted for a long time. To gat

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