Chapter 4 Secret

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Meanwhile, Drake was filled with frustration and confusion. He had found his mate, but Lizzie wanted nothing to do with him, a reality that left him more than just a little irritated. Why was she rejecting him? Beside him, Gregory wore a mask of neutrality, but Drake sensed the older man's pain. Gregory had finally met his daughter, only for her to dismiss him entirely. Drake didn't fully understand the complex dynamics between them, but he knew enough to realize that the situation was far from simple. "Sorry, Drake," Gregory said abruptly, his eyes fixed forward despite the slight smile that tugged at his lips. It was more a smile of resignation than joy. "Are you okay, Gregory?" Drake inquired, seeing the blankness in his gaze. But he pushed on, "I wanted to apologize for what happened at the café." Gregory nodded, his guilt palpable. Clearly, he was deeply wounded. After a few moments of silence, he sighed heavily. "We need to talk to your father when we return to the Midnight Pack house, but first, can I ask you something?" His voice carried a tinge of desperation. "Please don't mention anything about Lizzie being your mate to him just yet." Drake was taken aback. Why would Gregory want to keep this a secret from his own father, especially given she was his best friend's daughter? Well, long-lost daughter, to be more precise. "Why not, Gregory? He'd be thrilled that I found my mate," Drake replied, yet he couldn't decipher the expression on Gregory's face. "He will be pleased, especially knowing it's with my daughter. But there are complexities you're not aware of, which is why we need to see him first. We have to explain some matters that might help you understand why Lizzie is so averse to the idea of having a mate," Gregory finally confessed. Drake was momentarily stunned but quickly collected his thoughts. "Okay, I won't say anything. But, Gregory, what happened to make her hate you so much?" He immediately regretted asking as the words escaped his lips. Shame washed over Gregory. "I hurt her mother in the worst way imaginable. And then I didn't go to claim her as my mate," he admitted quietly. Drake was shocked by this revelation. "I'll explain more when we talk with your father." As Drake observed the man who had often stood in for his father during training sessions, a man whose children, Dave and Katelyn, were like siblings to him, he felt conflicted. Lizzie would have left quite an impression if circumstances had been different. Her alluring figure in those pajamas had obscured her true form, but her striking blue eyes, brown hair messily piled atop her head, and delicate pink lips had captivated him. When her Lycan surfaced, her eyes shimmered a fierce green, and the power emanating from her was intimidating. Clearly, there was more to her than met the eye, as her emotions seemed to translate into tangible energy waves, particularly anger and rage. Silence settled in the vehicle, the pack house being some distance from town, with their driver delayed in traffic. Gregory stared out the window, lost in thought. Drake decided to reach out to his father through their mind-link. "Hey Dad, we're on our way back with the cakes. There's something you need to know... Lizzie is back." "Hey, son. Yeah, I heard. Gregory went to see her. I advised him to wait a few days so she could settle in, but it seems things didn't go well," his father replied, his voice gruff. Drake let out a sigh. "Saying it went horribly is an understatement. She was furious. Gregory wants us to meet with you in your office to discuss everything." His father paused before responding, "We definitely need to talk. You should be there to hear it all since you're going to be alpha soon." "Okay, we'll arrive in about twenty minutes," Drake confirmed, adhering to Gregory's request to keep the matter of Lizzie being his mate confidential for now. After what felt like an extended journey post-conversation, they finally pulled up to the pack house. Once the SUV came to a halt, they all disembarked. Paolo, his soon-to-be gamma, stood waiting nearby. Drake understood why he was there; Paolo's mate, Alicia, had almost gotten into trouble for showing disrespect towards him. But from Paolo's expression, he was aware of the situation. "Sorry about Alicia, Alpha. She was just defending her mother," Paolo mind-linked him. Drake nodded back, "I'll apologize to her afterward." Drake noticed the unusual look Paolo gave him. "There's no need for you to apologize to her. Alicia is still adjusting to our ways around here. They lost their pack long ago and have had to move constantly over the years," Paolo explained, though his gaze wandered past Drake to Gregory, who seemed lost in his thoughts. "He should have stayed away," Paolo added. "Alicia told me most of what happened, and it isn't good." Drake was taken aback. "I'll hopefully understand more once we meet with my father in his office," he replied, ending the mind link. Paolo nodded and headed off towards the house he shared with Alicia. Drake suspected Paolo missed her, knowing Alicia had expressed her desire to tell Lizzie about having a mate, though she was unsure how Lizzie would react to the news. There had to be a reason behind her aversion to the concept of mates. A growl rumbled in Drake's mind, the voice of his wolf, Ace. "She'll come around soon. We need to approach this slowly with her." Drake was silenced by this unexpected gentleness. Ace had always been eager for a mate and never this tender. Typically, he was possessive, but it seemed Ace understood how important patience was for Lizzie, even if moving slowly was against his nature. "What's with the change, Ace? You've been quiet ever since you told me Lizzie was my mate," Drake asked internally. Ace hesitated before responding with a sigh. "I'm being sensitive towards our mate. Meeting her father after so many years must have unleashed a torrent of emotion. Plus, her Lycan is extraordinarily strong, its power fueled by Lizzie's emotions. Her Hybrid has its own feelings about this whole situation. We need to uncover what exactly happened." "You're probably right, Ace. Let's figure out what we're up against," Drake agreed. Ace chuckled softly, retreating to the recesses of Drake's mind, alert yet ready to learn more about their mate. After a few moments, the doors to the Midnight Pack house swung open and Drake's father's gamma emerged. "The Alpha is awaiting your presence in his office," he informed them. They left the cakes in the car for the omegas to collect and prepare for the upcoming ceremony. Following the gamma's lead, Drake and Gregory entered the pack house, though the gamma detoured into an adjacent room. As they entered the office, they found Drake's father relaxing with a glass of whiskey. He scrutinized them, particularly Gregory, whose dejected demeanor was evident. "She wants nothing to do with me," Gregory admitted, approaching the couch and sitting beside his friend, his head hung low. Drake's father gave Gregory a look filled with sympathy. Drake struggled to contain his eagerness as he sat in the chair opposite his father. "Dad, what exactly happened? I need to know," he pressed, attempting to mask his desperation to understand—especially if it would help him connect with Lizzie. His father glanced back and forth between Gregory and Drake, silently seeking Gregory's permission to speak. Gregory nodded his assent. "Alright, son, you'd better get comfortable. You need to understand, as it seems she'll be here for a while." "She might leave sooner," Gregory interjected bleakly, gaze fixed on the floor. "She's only here to help Kate for a few weeks." Drake's frustration simmered at Gregory's words, but he knew he needed to remain composed. "I want mate," Ace whined within him. "I know, let's gather information first, then focus on winning over our mate," Drake reassured Ace, sharing the same sentiment. He could still recall Lizzie's scent—mint chocolate with a hint of strawberries, his favorite—lingering in his senses. "Tell me everything," Drake urged, looking between the two men. The air was thick with their shared shame, which was unsettling. Why would his father carry such a burden of guilt?

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