Chapter 3 Unexpected

1275 Words
Kate felt a surge of concern for Lizzie, knowing the challenges she faced, but her attention was firmly on Drake. "I'm asking Gregory to leave. This isn't the right time for him to be here, especially now," Kate stated firmly. Gregory and Dave stood on opposite sides of Drake, but Kate had one more message to convey. "Here are the cakes for the ceremony. Leave now," she instructed through gritted teeth. "And Alpha, if you ever speak to my daughter like that again, you'll see what a Hybrid can truly do." Drake appeared momentarily stunned. Kate had never allowed her anger to surface quite so intensely, and he knew her well before he left to train the packs. "Kate, I will be the new Alpha soon, please," he pleaded. Kate turned her attention to Gregory and Dave. "You two are not welcome here when Lizzie is present, do you hear me?" she declared, her Lycan letting out a menacing snarl. "I mean it; I will tear you a new one if you come here causing trouble. She doesn't want to know you." "You can't stop me from seeing my daughter," Gregory grunted. Just then, the café door swung open, and Kate instantly recognized the familiar scent that filled the room. Lizzie was undeniably there, and Gregory tensed. Oh crap, Lizzie was clearly not happy. "YES, SHE CAN," announced a voice from behind Gregory. Kate marveled at how Lizzie could still be standing after being awake for a full twenty-four hours. Gregory turned, his face paling as he faced the daughter he once knew. She was no longer the little girl he had left behind. Lizzie glared at him, but a sudden growl interrupted the tension. "Mout." Everyone's gaze shifted to Drake, who was staring intently at Lizzie. This was not going to end well. Lizzie, showing no visible emotion, approached Gregory and Dave. "You need to back off," she snarled. Kate could sense Pam trying to assert herself, with an intensity that was palpable. Alicia, looking at her cousin, smirked with approval. "Don't talk to..." Dave started, but was abruptly silenced by Lizzie's growl and her changing eyes, which shifted from blue to a vibrant green. "You wouldn't want to piss me off, BROTHER." The collective surprise was evident. Kate and Alicia knew the formidable convergence of Pam and Lizzie's voices, but witnessing it in this context was something else entirely. Kate glanced over at Drake, who was still fixated on Lizzie—his mate. "What? You thought I wouldn't realize you're his son? I guessed who you were at the station; you both have the same scent," Lizzie remarked to Dave before turning back to Gregory. "And you pretending to be the father I always wished for will never work. You haven't been there for ten years, so why would I want you in my life now?" Gregory appeared hurt, but what did he hope to achieve by coming here? Kate had warned him that Lizzie wanted nothing to do with him. Lizzie had been unaware of Dave, and she still didn't know about the sister she hadn't met yet. Stepping closer, Lizzie's gaze was unwavering on both of them. Pam's energy, magnified by Lizzie's anger, created an almost tangible force. Kate wondered if they could sense it just as acutely. "Listen carefully," Lizzie commanded. "I want nothing to do with you or that family you've chosen. You abandoned me, and I survived perfectly well on my own. If you think you can waltz back into my life, you're mistaken. If you come back here, I won't hesitate to let my Hybrid out, and you won't find her as pleasant as I am. She's far worse," Lizzie snarled. "Now leave. Take whatever you need and go." As Lizzie passed between them towards Kate, it suddenly struck Kate that Lizzie was still wearing her pajamas—a sign, she must have sensed Gregory outside earlier. Drake continued to watch Lizzie intently. Before anyone could react further, Lizzie turned to him, "Oh, and Alpha, I'm not interested in having a mate," she declared. Drake growled, struggling to maintain his composure. "You don't mean that," he contested. Lizzie shrugged without looking back. "Take what I said and leave. I'm only here for a few weeks, and then I'm leaving again," she affirmed. Hurt flashed across Drake's features. Kate knew some of the painful reasons Lizzie resisted the idea of a mate; the memories were something Lizzie preferred to forget. Her mistrust of men was well-founded. The sheer energy radiating from Lizzie was difficult to handle. After a few moments, Kate faced Gregory and Dave. "I think it's time for you all to leave now," she said. "And don't forget the cakes on your way out." Dave glanced at Kate and mouthed a silent "thank you" before looking at the cakes, clearly wanting to speak further. Drake remained rooted to his spot, his gaze fixed on Lizzie. Dave gently pulled him away, guiding him through the door towards the SUV that had just pulled up outside. Gregory seemed eager to continue the conversation but resignedly sighed, gathering the boxes and carrying them with him. Alicia held the door open as he passed. After placing the boxes in the newly arrived SUV, Gregory climbed inside, and it drove away almost immediately. Dave returned to the café once more to collect the last box. Lizzie and Kate watched from behind the counter. Before departing, he paused at the door, glancing back with a mixture of regret and hope in his eyes. "I know what our father did, and I don't condone it. I do want to get to know my older sister if at all possible," he said, which elicited a soft growl from Lizzie. He looked at her one last time, his eyes reflecting his regret. "I'm sorry, Lizzie," he said before turning to leave. Alicia closed the door and turned to face Lizzie and Kate. "Well, cuz, I'm so glad you're here," she commented with a smirk. Lizzie approached Alicia and smiled. They shared a hug, then turned their attention back to Kate. Before either could speak, Kate asked, "How did you know?" Lizzie took a moment before responding. "I picked up his scent outside; it woke Pam up. But the rest I've always known; I just never told you," she admitted. Her voice hardened with anger as she continued, "I hate that man more. He never came for me." Kate could feel the pain behind Lizzie's words. Gregory had much to answer for, and his actions might also explain Lizzie's reluctance to embrace her mate. "Let's get this place closed up. You look like you should be in bed," Kate suggested with a laugh. Lizzie glanced down, and Alicia noticed as well. The two of them laughed together. They moved around the café, ensuring everything was turned off, tables were wiped clean, and chairs were left in their usual places. Lizzie let out a tired yawn. "You really need some rest," Kate insisted gently. Lizzie nodded. "Let's go home," she agreed, then turned to Alicia. "You coming? We could have one of our famous sleepovers." Alicia smiled but shook her head. Kate knew that Alicia would be attending the ceremony with her mate. "I can't, cuz. You need your beauty sleep," Alicia responded with a grin. "Don't tell her about Paolo yet, Mom," Alicia mind-linked to Kate. Kate smiled. Alicia was aware of some of the reasons why Lizzie avoided her mate, but she was hesitant to share further details, unsure how Lizzie would react upon finding out. Lizzie let out another yawn, and the others chuckled.
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