
1614 Words
From the night Jungkook saw KT at the bar, he told his men to searched for him, telling them to stalk the young man. But he was disappointed that he probably did not get any single information for the young man.  He got furious and almost crushed the faces of the people he sent to find KT. He threatened them that if they did not get the information, they would definitely regret it.  His men already knew what he meant so they were terrified of what might happen. While thinking about how he will see KT again, he thought that he will visit the bar again, maybe KT will be there again. Using his black sport motorcycle he went there.  It was eight o'clock when he arrived and took his place right in front.  He saw the waiter and told him that he wanted to talk to the bar owner.  Later on the guy came and made him sit in front of him.  "What time is his performance."  he said in a cold tone.   "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, but he can't come now."  He replied in calm but scared to death inside of him.  Jungkook frowned looking at him and held the glass containing the wine tightly. "How did you know?"  he asked skeptically.  The bar owner felt frightened to see the expression on the mafia leader's face change.  He knew he  would not stop until he got the information he wanted.  He was gulp when jungkook spoke again.  "You know that I can ruin your life when I find out you are lying to me."  Jungkook threatened, then stood up and before turning around the bar owner spoke again.  "Here is the number he used to call earlier and told that he can't come, Mr. jeon." He handled a piece of paper. Jungkook reached the paper then pocketed and continued walking out of the bar.   Only then did the man breathe easily when he could no longer see the shadow of the fierce mafia leader.  "I'm sorry KT."  He just whispered to itself. Before Jungkook ride his motor, he took the piece of paper then dialed the number. "Sorry the number you have dialed is out of coverage" "Damn it! Why are you so hard to find,baby boy" he said to no one but himself. He ride his motor and went back home. As soon as Jungkook arrived at his mansion, he immediately called Yoongi. "Kook, what's the matter and you  called?"  he said obviously drowsy.  "Damn it, hyung. I thought I would see him again but I failed. Hyung, I need to see him."  Jungkook replied as if he were a kid complaining.  Yoongi first thought about who was his  brother  referring to, he laughed softly before saying, "KT? Is that right? Why don't you ask or send your men to look for him " he said again before yawning.  "hyung, I did, but there is not even an information on him."  he answered again then sighed. "By the way, how are you with that new boy?"  Jungkook asked suddenly as his older brother did not say anything.   Yoongi frowned and looked at his phone screen, "who?"  he asked.  Jungkook chuckled.  "oh you mean, that cute litle midget? he's Jimin."  Yoongi replied.  They talked for a few more minutes before saying goodbye to each other. As soon as Jungkook ended the call, his phone rings again. He groaned pulling his hair before answering it. "What you want?" He said. "Mr. Jeon, we just want to invite you to be one of our guess next month for our school program." The person on the other line replied. "Ok" he replied then cut the call. Taehyung's Pov: After my class, Jimim and Hoseok told me that they will come tonight to our house. "Want to join us now or you want to come after?" I asked them. "Its better to join you now so we can start our practice too,right Jimin?" Hoseok ask then Jimin nod. As i was about to open my car, Minho hyung came. "Yah! Dont tell me you'll leave me alone again." He said while panting. I chuckled then ask them to enter the car. "Jimin, Hoseok what about ypur car?" I ask focusing mybeyes on the road. "My driver will come and pick it." Both of them says in unison, looking at them with the front mirror we all laugh. "Hyung, where will i drop you?" "Why do i feel that our master Taehyung is the one giving us service?" Wendy suddenly muttered. I tilt my head for a second to her direction. "How many times do i need to tell you not to call me master,wendy?" I said in a serious  tone. After apologising, the ride to the mansion was comfortable. I feel comfortable around Jimin and Hoseok to yhe extend that i forgot about my true appearance. "Tae, i'll come with you to the mansion. I need to talk to sir Chan and Sir Byun too." Minho hyung stated. I replied a hum to him. Before we know it, we are already at the mansion. "Wow!!!" Jimin and Hoseok said in surprise. I look at them and chuckled upon seeing their faces. "Yah! Close your mouths." I said. I told them to follow me but then i froze,  remembering something. I look at them behind me just to see them giving me a look of what happen? I panic but i didn't let them see it. Unsure of what should i do, i shrug my shoulder and continue to lead them, thinking its time for them to see my true appearance. We reach the very end of the aisle and i open it. "Oh my goddess, Tae!" Jimin exclaimed. Running inside,touching every equipment he saw. "I cant believe it!" I heard Hoseok says and when i glance at him he was already holding one of my electric guitar. I smile looking at their cuteness. I felt Wendy tap my shoulder and whisper something. "Are you gonna show them your appearance master?" She says in a faint voice. I bring my gaze to Hoseok and Jimin then i fake a cough,getting their attention. "Oh, sorry." They said, putting down the instrument thinking they should not touch it. I show them my boxy smile and walk near them, "no..its okay. I just want to show both of you something." I started. As i sit, i once again look at them and both of them gasp, slamming their hands to their mouths when i remove my thick eyeglasses and my brace,removing those artificial mask that makes my face a little chubby. "KT?!" they said in unison. I chuckled and rub my nape. "Im sorry for not telling." I said, feeling guilty. "Woah!!! My instinct is really amazing. I cant believe im right about it." Jimin said, boasting his sharp instinct. "But wait, wheres your tattoo?" Hoseok said, folding my sleeves. I laugh at them and told them its a fake tattoo. I explained everything to them and they promise me that they will keep my secret. We where interrupted by the knock on the door and Wendy open it. "Hyung!" I yelled and run. "Goodness Kim Taehyung! You're such a baby." Chanyeol hyung said when we almost fall from the floor upon jumping to him.  I laugh at him then i saw him looking at my friends. Before i can say anything, i was surprised on what i heard. "Park Jimin? Jung Hoseok?" He says with a bright smile. "Chanyeol Hyung?" Both said in unison. I pout looking at them with confusion. I saw how they hug each other and i sit at the floor with my legs apart, faking a cry to get their attention. They look at me and laugh so hard that causing me to pout more. "Im jealous,hyung. All of you made me invisible here." I said acting like im mad. Chanyeol hyung laugh and they all hug me. I saw Wendy and i gesture her to join us, and she come hugging us too. After our so called reunion, the maid call us for dinner. We all came to the dining room and there i saw Minho and Beak hyung talking like something serious. Upon hearing us, they stop and look at us..or like stare at me. I raised my brows to them like asking what happen. I sit between Minho and Baek hyung, Wendy, Jimin and Hoseok infront of us and Chanyeol hyung at the sit beside Baek hyung. We eat while chatting, ignoring my own thoughts about asking Baek hyung whats the matter like theres something they are hiding from me. When we finish our dinner, i told Chanyeol and Baekyun that we are having our practice at the studio and they just nod. At the studio room, we are having fun on our practice. Not realising the time. "Oh my.. its late." Jimin said. "No problem Chim, you and Hoseok can sleep here." I said, not wanting them to go at this late hour. Hoseok clap and Jimin jump  after hearing what i said. "Or lets all sleep at my room, is it okay to both of you?" I added. "Oh how nice of you Tae. Tes sure we love it." Jimin replied. "And how about Wendy?" "Yah! Park i have my own room here. Remember, im living here." Wendy says. Jimin scratch his nape while telling that he really forgot about it. Its 1 in the morning when we all go to my room. "Please, dont yell again telling how big my room is," i said before Jimin and Hoseok can say anything. They laugh at me and they jump to my bed. I shook my head like how are they my friends, but im not complaining. Im really happy that we all became comfortable to each other.
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