Master Kim Taehyung

1704 Words
Taehyung arrive at his uncle mansion at almost midnight. He successfully sneak inside through the window. Upon stepping to his room, he gently put his guitar at the small compartment under his bed, and strip his cloths at walk to his bathroom to refreshed his body. It took him almost two hours to remove his fake tattoo, and after that he go to his bed to sleep. He woke up by sound of knocking in his door, he groaned and stand up to open it. "Surprise!!!!" Taehyung could not continue yawning because of the shock when he opened his door.  He blinked a few more times to make sure he was not delusional.   "Hyung ?!"  he shouted then hugged the one in front of him. "yah! Kim Taehyung! I cant breath! You're killing me, dipshit!" "How long have you been here? Why didn't you tell me to pick you up, I miss you hyung."  Taehyung said then pulled the guest inside the room. "Last night, I just stayed at the hotel before I went here. How are you, hows your  university?"  the interlocutor said worriedly.  "but wait, get dressed and you'll be late for school. I'll be with you, going there."  when Taehyung heard it stopped walking, he looked at it asking why? "aist !!! Taehyung, get dressed first and I'll just tell you on the way."  he said again then smiled before leaving the young man. Taehyung just scratched his head and hurried to take a shower and then he got dressed, not forgetting to put on the brace and the thick eyeglasses. He the jog down stair seeing his hyung waiting at the living room. "Hyung, lets go!" He said, passing the person who was in a little shock looking at him. But then, he burst in laughter that causes Taehyung to stop on his track. He narrowed his brows and put his both hands to his side. The boy suddenly stop laughing, he knows better when Taehyung did this kind of gesture, he was pissed. "Sorry Tae, but why are you having that weird look?" He asked, still holding his laugh. "You know who i am hyung, and you know that i hate others knowing who i am, and by the name here is Byun Taehyung, always remember that hyung or should i call you Choi Minho?" He said with a serious tone. Choi Minho, the son of his father's personal driver in Korea, and become Taehyung's body guard since he was five years old. After the death of Minho's father, the Kim's let him stay with them to look after Taehyung. He is 6 years older than Taehyung. Taehyung finds him like a older brother so since then, they become close like brothers. "By the way hyung, do you have any appointment in university?" Taehyung ask, fixing his glasses. "Yeah." Minho replied shortly. "By the way, Wendy this is Minho hyung." Tae introduce almost forgetting his friend at the back of the car. Wendy just smile. They were chatting on the way to the university when Taehyung stop his car at the same spot like before. Minho look at him with confuse. "Aren't you going to park your car at the parking area?" He ask, detaching his sit belt. "No." Taehyung replied. "Ah, Mr. Choi, you have a lot things to know about Mater Taehyung." Wendy says, finally your author here let her speak for a while :) "Hm" Minho replied. The three went outside the car after securing that nobody see's them specially Taehyung coming in that luxurious car. Little did they know, someone saw them with full of curiosity. They enter the gate and some girls are whispering seeing the nerd student with a hot guy.  "Woah!!! Lucky that nerd having a hot guy beside him" "Yeah, but look how they interact. Are they in relationship?" "Hey hot guy! Wanna date me?" A girl said, almost kissing Minho due to their closeness. Minho smile and look at Taehyung who was pressing his lips tight to not laugh. "Im sorry but im not interested." He said, rejecting the girl gently. "Hyung, gotta go. I'll be late." Taehyung says, and start walking but suddenly stop and face Minho with a smirk, "Hyung, why not try date her." He added then wink. And run fast towards his room. "Yah! Mas-- Byun Taehyung!" Minho yelled but the other cant here him. "Woah, he really run so fast." Wendy muttered then took a glance to Minho then leave him. "Hey, you cant do this to me. Why are you both leaving me." Minho pouted and Wendy smile seeing how cute the older guy is. "Hey hot man, im here." The girl said, putting her arm around Minho's arm. "Im sorry but i really need to meet the Dean." He replied, removing the hands that holding him and walk fast to the Dean office. Time skip: While in the middle of their class, the school Dean enters their room. "Listen every one. I want to introduce you to your new Music instructor," he said then he call the guy that was standing outside the room. Just one step inside, Taehyung's eyes widened that he's glasses almost fall due to a sudden shock. "Hyung?!" He said, then the whole class look at him. "Oh holy s**t, did i said it loud?!" He said to him self. "Okay, look here." The Dean says getting their attention. Then the class look at the hot guy infront of them. Girls where drooling and even some boys licks their lips like they want to eat him. "Please introduce yourself then come to my office after." Dean added. "Im Choi Minho, and i'll be your Music instructor. Nice meeting you." He says, then bow a little and look at Taehyung's direction. After introducing, he follows the Dean and when their gone oh how Taehyung hated it coz they start bombering  him a lot of question about Minho. To tell that he hates getting attention and Wendy knows it. "Hey, cant you please leave him alone!" She yelled a little loud. They look at her,some are pissed and some just ignored her. "Byun Taehyung, how do you know Mr. Choi?" "How do you have a hyung that was hot and look at're..." one guy said loudly, walking closer to Taehyung who was having a hard time controlling his anger due the attention their giving him. "You look like s**t and--- He cant say the next word coz someone hit him that causing him to fell from the floor. "Continue your damn word and im sure i'll kill you." Taehyung tilt his head and saw Jimin's face red as tomato due to anger. The class was in surprised on what had just happen. Wendy stare at him too. "Hey midget, relax." Hoseok said, calming his friends anger. Jimin close his eyes then smile at Taehyung. "Thanks but you should not do that, you will be in detention for that." Taehyung says, but thankful that someone did not coz if he is the one who hit that asshole, for sure they will summon his parents. "You will regret this, Park Jimin!" The guy who was hit yelled in anger and stomp like a kid outside their room. The tension inside their room was so thick that can be cut by a knife.  But still class continued. The bell rang indicating their break time and Jimin drag's Taehyung hands that causing the other to almost stumble. "Hey, what are you doing. Where are you going?" Taehyung said in confusion. But the other just keep on walking. "Park Jimin! Stop!" Hoseok and Wendy yelled in union. Butbtgey were ignored. They just follow the two to god knows where Jimin bringing the other. They reach at the gym, and after checking that nobody is there, Jimin let go the hand of Taehyung. "What do you think you are doing?!" Wendy yelled when they enters the gym. "Im sorry, Master Kim." Jimin apologise and bow to him in almost ninety degrees. Taehyung and Wendy was shock on how the hell he knows about him. "How?!" Taehyung said, still not believing. He keep this secret for so longs. Jimin sit at the floor,follows by Hoseok,Wendy and Taehyung. "I saw you coming outside your car this morning, with Mr. Choi and Wendy. Im with Hoseok too, i know theres something about you so im sorry that i dig your personal life." He started. "Remember when i ask you about the Kim's? Me and Hoseok knows they have a child but was hidden to the public due to some circumstances. My family is a close friend of your parents. I ask them about you again and they concirm to me that you were staying in your uncle Chanyeol using the name of Byun Taehyung...." They were interrupted when Taehyung phone rings. He look at it and smile. "Eomma!!!! I miss you!" He yelled upon answering it. "I miss you too baby, how are you there? And wait? Why your not in your class?" His eomma ask. "Im at the university and by the way, i want to introduce you to ny friends." He then show Jimin and Hoseok. "Park Jimin? Jung Hoseok?" "Yes Mr. Kim." The two says in unison. They talk about Taehyung and the two promise to keep his secret and keep him safe. Taehyung was overwhelmed knowing that this two people are close to his parents. They were having fun when the bell rings and that they look at each other and burst into laughter remembering nobody eats their lunch. They all run fast to their locker to bring their things for the next class which is handled by Mr. Choi. They spent for another fifteen minutes before reaching their room and they found Mr. Choi already there with the whole class. "Late. But for now the four of you are forgiven. But next time, you will be punish." Minho said. They sit at the back and listens to what their instructor saying. "....and i will group you. 4 members each and i want you to perform by next month for our incoming school program." Minho stated then he calls them to pick their numbers. So lucky that Wendy,Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung were in the same group. "Dismissed." Minho said then left the room. "So, its better to have a practice in the mansion, Tae." Wendy suggested. "Is it okay with the two of you?" He ask Jimin and Hoseok. "Im excited!!!" The two giggled and Taehyung laugh at them.
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