
1409 Words
I am Kim Taehyung! The man behind him laugh. "Dont f*****g make a joke! You?" He then again laugh lauder at the moment. Crowds are whispering something. "Are you f*****g serious? Your an ugly nerd, boy. My little cupcake is gorgeous." Taehyung trembles upon hearing the pet name. My little cupcake... He tried his best to fight the urge of losing his consciousness. "Taehyung, look at me!" He was snap hearing Jungkook's voice boomed. He look at Jungkook and maintain their gaze. "Taehyung?" The man spoke behind him. "Tae...." "Taehyung!" "Master Tae!" His friends said in unison. "Yes! Im f*****g Kim Taehyung!" He slowly remove his thick eyeglasses and brace, and his fake mask. The crowed start to make some noise not believing what their eyes seeing. "f**k!" The man growled seeing the gorgeous boy when he step infront of him. Taehyung gulp seeing those lusty eyes and remembers the past. He step back to distance himself but the man grab him by his waist. "Y-you...that man..." Taehyung step back but the man hold him tightly to his hand. Not realising that something around him change. "Dad!" Drake shouted seeing those red dots moving his fathers body.(i hope you got what i mean). "Damian Lee!" Jungkook gritted his teeth. "Remove your filty hands to him!" Damian turn to face Jungkook. His calm face suddenly frowned. He can see that there are snipers pointing their guns to him. "Let the kids go and you will live along with your son, Lee!" Jungkook point his gun at Drake head. "Jungkook!" Taehyung nervously shout at him. The man didn't say anything neither move to let the kids go. "Jungkook...the kids has nothing to do with whats happening! Namjoon who was silent all the time speak. He knows that Jungkook will not hesitate to kill the boy infront of everyone. "Jeon, do you think my son will be happy if he see you killing someone right infront of his eyes?" He added. Jungkook heard him yet he chooses to ignore him. "You know Lee, i dont f*****g hesitate killing someone when it comes to my family!" Drake gulp when he felt the tip of the gun to his head. "Dad! What was happening?!" Drake finally ask him, he hates Taehyung but he never wants the boy to be killed. He bullied him for being nerd yet perfect in everything. Damian blankly stare at his son...his eyes holding a emotion that cannot comprehend. "You dont know? You dont know that your father is a mafia leader also?! You dont know that he kidnap Taehyung five years ago and almost r**e him?!" Jin blurted in anger. "Ra-r**e?!" Drake repeated, not believing it. "Dad?" "Its all your fault! If you hadn't run away from me, this will never happen!" Damian spat angrily, now standing behind Taehyung, gun to his head. "You should pay the consequences Kim Seokjin! Its because of your father why i lose my one eye! Its because of your husband i lost my wife! Its because of all of you i---" BANG!!! Crowed shouts everywhere and hides themselves somewhere else. While Taehyung close his eyes, waiting to fell down. Believing that he was shot. But nothing happened. He then felt the grip on his hand loosen and the man behind him suddenly fell on his knee. He wants to run but his feets are glued to where he is. "Dad!" "Taehyung!" Jungkook and the Kim couple run to him. "Baby, everything is fine." Jin whispered to the shock boy. While Namjoon pick the gun from Damian's hand and point on him. "Because of you, i lost my parents! And because of you, my son was hidden for so long! Do you think you deserve to live?!" Namjoon shoot him on his leg. "Aaaahhhhh!!!!" "Please,...Mr. Kim..." Drake pleaded, hugging his father. "Ap---" Taehyung was cut when another sound of gun was heard. Jungkook quickly cover him. "Search where that sniper is!" He yelled. "Jeon, i got her!" Yoongi said after almost five minutes. "Let me go! I will kill that f*****g bastard!" "Lisa?!" Jungkook and Hoseok said in chorus. "Lisa?" Hoseok run to her. "I will f*****g kill him!" Lisa yelled and Jungkook is confused looking at her. After an hour of the incident, still no one cares to call a police. Nobody dares. They know that police cant do anything especially when the Jeon Jungkook is involve and also Kim's are involve. The program ended long time and crowds start to disappear. Only Jungkook's men are scattered everywhere the university. Being powerful and feared, the university was shot down for the day. Jungkook stood infront of Damian who was covered with his own blood, feeling weak and almost dying. Drake hugging him and begging the other to bring him in the hospital. Yoongi comforting his boyfriend Jimin who was still in shock. Hoseok was hold by Kai. While Lisa still standing infront there infront of Damian. Jin and Namjin hugging and comforting Taehyung. "He is your boss,right?" Jungkook brake the thick silence. Lisa stare at him coldly. "I dont f*****g care what you are thinking, Jeon! All i want is kill this f**k s**t! He killed our parents! He threatens me that he will kill Hoseok if i dont work with him!....And betray you!" Lisa almost whisper the last part. "Lisa...." Hoseok who heard his sister, walk to her. "I've done everything for him just to make sure Hoseok will be safe and he will not do something to you, Jungkook. Im willing to do everything to be sure that you will be safe..." she added now tears in her eyes. Jungkook just listen to her blankly and emotionless. Taehyung who was a little bit calm listens, keeping his eyes on Jungkook. "Lisa...stop it. You and Jungkook, its been long time Lis." Hoseok said softly to his sister. He can see the hurt in Taehyung's eyes when he glance at him. "No Hoseokie...i know we can still make it....right baby? I know Kook you still love me and im still inlove with you...please come back to me, Kook..." Lisa said between her sobs, holding Jungkook's hand. Forgetting that there are people around them. Taehyung felt a sharp pain in his heart hearing it. He felt he was betrayed. Jin notice him and gently caress his son who was again now in the urge of crying, but Taehyung didn't let his tears fall to his cheeks. He blinks many times to avoid them falling. "Kook..please..." Jungkook was caught off guard when Lisa's lips touches his. Taehyung eyes went wide seeing it. He stand and with his wobbly feet, he run fast. "Taehyung!" Namjin called him but they were ignored. "Master Kim..." Yangyang and Beogyeom hold him when he reach outside. "Back off!" He yelled at them but they didn't let him go. "!" He repeated with so much anger to his voice. When he notice that they are not letting him go, he kick Yangyang to his lower part and the other groaned in pain. While he twisted Beogyeom hand and he run fast as he can. "Kim Taehyung!" He heard the familiar voice when he reaches the gate. He still continue running until he reaches outside. "Kim Taehyun! Stop! Dont make me punish you!" Taehyung suddenly stop, not that he was afraid of the punishment. He stop and turn around to face Jungkook. Clenching his fist, his nails digging to his palm, making his knuckles white. He sarcastically laugh. "Punish? Im not afraid of you anymore, Asshole! I dont even f*****g feel any fear to you, Jeon! Just f*****g go away from me!" Taehyung shouted at him, fighting the urge to cry. His heart shattered on what he is saying right now. "Tae baby..  let me explain. She--" "I dont f*****g care! I f*****g hate you Jeon!  Just...just leave me alone!" He then run away again without knowing where to go. "Jeon! Give him time." Namjoon patted his shoulder when they reach where they are. He stare at them and averted his eyes to the direction where Taehyung disappeared. Namjoon and Jin return inside followed by Jungkook, after telling his men to look after him and make sure thatbhe is safe. Jin knows that there are people secretly following his son, he knows that he will be safe. They need to settle things between Damian. And Jungkook needs to settle some things with Lisa too.
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