
1813 Words
Its been a week since that incident happen, and its also been a week that Taehyung didn't attend his university. He lock himself to his room. His parents are worriedly sick about him, but they didn't say anything. They know that he will be okay soon. They we're sitting all at the dining table when Taehyung came. "Good morning..." he sit beside his eomma. "Thank god and you decide to came out already,baby. Are you okay?" Jin caress his son's back. "Yeah. A damn week locking myself is enough. Im good,eomma." He replied, taking a sip of his tea. He keeps eating without looking at them and he notice that they were silent so he raised his head just to see them looking at him with worried eyes. " fine. Eomma, appa...nothing to worry about me. Hyungs, im good,okay...." he smile at them and stand up. "Wendy lets go. We will be---" "Minho took her already. If you say so that you're fine...okay. We believe you baby." Jin smiled at him. Taehyung give them each a kiss to their foreheads before walking to the door. "Are you sure you dont need that nerdy look Tae?" He heard Baekyun. "Hyung, no need for that. Everyone knows it already." He chuckles. "Im just kidding baby...go  you will be late." He shook his head and he walk to his motorcycle. Taehyung's Pov: I smile thinking that i dont f*****g need to hide anymore. Four years is enough hiding. Even though revealing who i am in a not so good situation, i think its the best. Its just fifteen minutes when i reach my university, i park my motor at the empty spot near the gate. And just when i step away from it, everyone look at me. They we're whispering to each other but injust ignored it. "I cant believe how handsome he is!" "He looks like a model." "Is he Kim Taehyung?" I was about to turn around when i  felt someone hug me. "My god...good to see you again, Tae. We miss you so much." Jimin pout and i hug him too. "How are you Tae?" Hoseok hesitantly ask. I pat his shoulder and smile at him. "Im fine. No worries." "Im sorry..." he mumbles. "Yah! Sorry for what? And by the way, forget it. Lets go, we will be late. I dont want to be late for my first day, being Kim Taehyung." Yes, now im going to use my true name. I will be going to be my self. I again patted Hoseok shoulder when he avoided me. "Its okay. Everything is okay,Hoseokie." I show him my boxy smile and he smiled to before both of us were drag by Wendy and Jimin to our class. (I'll skip gere, your author is to lazy to put details with their boring class) Time skip: "You can go first at the canteen, i'll follow you there." I told them. They all look at me raising their eyebrows. "Nah! We will wait for you." Jimin said. "Yah Chim! I'll just need to talk to the Dean." I responded but they we're also stubborn. I sigh in defeat and i let them wait me outside the office. After less than ten minutes we all walk to the canteen. And as soon as we enter, they all look at our direction and become silent. "Woah!!!! What had gotten to all of you?" Jimin exclaimed in disbelief. "Chim..." i muttered. I still hate it when i get attention. "Tae-Taehyung...." i look at the direction and saw Drake. I dont hate him neither blame him. I heard everything from my parents and hyungs when i accidentally heard them talking. Drake doesn't know about his fathers doing. Instead, i pity him for having a father like Damian. I still shivered everytime i remember his name. And about Damian, he was hospitalised and guarded. He will surely rot in prison after he gets well. "What you want?!" Hoseok and Wendy spat in chorus. I was caught off guard when suddenly Drake kneel infront of me and i heard students gasp. "Wha-what are you doing?" I ask him, embarras that someone is kneeling infront of me. "Im sorry. I swear i didn't know about it. I bullied you coz i envy you. Im really sorry. Im not asking you to forgive me, i know my sorry cant bring back all those times that you hide yourself..." "Please...can you stand up." I tap his shoulder and he look up to me. I can see those guilt in his eyes.  "Im really sor-..." "I swear, Drake Lee. If you dont stand and keep apologising, i will kick your f*****g ass!" I chuckled at him when his eyes widened. He quickly stand and smile awkwardly. "Friends?" I lean my hand forward to him, and he accept it with a smile. "Friends...young master" i flick his forehead earning a laugh from my friends and other student. They all look at me and laugh when my stomach growled shamelessly. "Seems that we all need to eat our lunch before the bell rings." Jimin blurted and we walk to a empty table with Drake joining us. I just start eating when my phone rings, parents bought me another phone and threatening me that if i broke it again they will never let me use phone already. "Wow...for the 26th time, you have a phone. Please dont brake it again" Wendy said with a teasing smirk. I shook my head and look at the caller. I frowned when its just a number. "Tae?" "Oh yeah Chim..." i said glancing at him before staring at the screen of my phone until it stop ringing. "Something's bothering you?" I shook my head before putting my phone at my pocket. Just when we finish eats, the bell rings indicating our afternoon classes. ~~~~ "I'll go at the bar tonight, wanna tag along?" I told them, just when i open my locker a bouquet of red roses is there. I took it and i saw a small card. I missed you,baby. JJK "Wow..." Jimin exclaimed. I handed him and he look at me confused. "Take it, i dont like it. Or throw if you dont want too, Chim." I said nonchalantly.  Fuck you Jeon! "Tae?" "Come on. They are waiting dor us already." I drag Jimin so that he cant say anything anymore. We reached the gate i saw Wendy with Minho hyung leaning at the car. Hoseok inside his car too looking at our direction. "Tae, lets go." I heard Minho says. "Yah hyung, i have my motor." I replied before letting Jimin's hand. I walk to my motor when i notice someone standing there. "Excuse me sir, can you please move away." I said coldly. But he dien't give a f**k to move a bit. "Lets talk baby." Oh wow...i miss those petname. Damn it Taehyung! Brace  your self! He's taken! I sigh deeply before looking straight to his eyes, and regreted it when our eyes met. I mentally slap myself and cursed. I suddenly heard a fake cough behind me. "You can go first hyung. Dont worry about me." I told Minho hyung without looking at him. "Are you sure?" He ask and i hummed. He pat my shoulder and bid his bye along with Wendy. "Chim, wanna join me here?" I said tilting my head at his direction, ignoring the man standing infront of me. "Su- "Nope. I will drop him, Tae." I frowned when i heard Hoseok . "Oh yeah, right...maybe next time Tae." Oh wow...did they really say it? And before i knew it, Jimin handed me the bouquet that i gave him earlier. "Bye Tae. See you later at the bar." Jimin said before closing the door and Hoseok drove away. "So, you're gonna perform there again?" I gnore him and throws the flower at the garbage near the guard house. "Move!" I ride my motor and about to start when he grab the key on it. "Damn it! Give me that f*****g key!" I glared at him. "Not until you talk to me." He said softly, and i need to fight the urge to just hug him. I miss him so much, but the pain in my heart is still there. "Just let me explain,baby. Please." I flinch when i felt his hand to my cheeks, i slap his hand away from me. "Theres nothing to talk about Mr. Jeon. And if you dont want to give me my key, fine. Its all yours!" I start walking away from him. "Taehyung!" Damn!!! Why is it like this happens before already? I was on deep thought when i felt someone harshly pulled me, i felt my face leaned on a something hard. My heart keeps beating fast. "My god...are you okay, baby?" Baby???... I look up and saw a worried Jungkook, then i heard people around us. I tried to push him away but he just hug me tightly. "What are you thinking? You almost got hit?" "I-im fine. Look im still alive and talking to you." I said in a soft voice. Calming myself from his touch. Forgetting that just earlier im so mad at him. I sigh and he notice. He leaned away a little just to cup my face, and damn...i can feel my cheeks blushing. I heard him chuckle and i pout. I was caught off guard when i felt his lips on mine. When i heard a clap around us, i push him away and covers my blushing face. He then hug me and i nuzzled my face to his chest, and my hands finds their way hugging him. "I miss you so much,baby. I f*****g miss you,baby. Please, dont hide from me again,okay?" I nod and he kiss the top of my head before we walk towards my motor. I whine when he moves away from me, he chuckles and took my moror key from his pocket. He then ride and i looked at him confused. "Hop in, sweetheart." I blush again but hop to my motor. "Hold tight,baby boy." I put my hands around his waist tightly, and after making sure that im ready, he drove it. I feel im in cloud nine, him being with me. I smile while my right cheek leans to his back. "We're here baby." Jungkook said when they arrive at Cahnyeol mansion. He wants to bring Taehyung to his mansion but he needs to talk to his parents so he decided to bring him there. "Are you not coming inside?" Taehyung pouted and Jungkook peck his lips. "Im coming, i need to talk to your parents for something." He replied and both walk inside, hands holding. Taehyung look at their hand and giggles. "I miss this" "Me too..." Jungkook said and Taehyung blush realising he said it loud.
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