
2513 Words

Sin:      When she said we were going to walk into the Southside without any back up I thought she meant we were going to do this during the night when we had the upper hand. She handed me a clip and an extra gun. I holstered it and followed her out of the car. She glanced at me and even threw her dark Ray-Bans I can tell she's excited for what comes next.      "You took Ty to meet your dad?" she asked as we began to walk down the street. Eyes were on us instantly.      "He asked me a question and I thought I'd answer it properly. He wouldn't have believed me if I would have just told him. Not everyone is as trusting as you," she laughed. "What about you? Victor seemed pretty on board with all of this when he left this morning,"      "He's a guy. A stubborn ass hole with a god complex

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